
Monday, June 19, 2023

A van ban in 3... 2... 1...

LONDON -- A 31-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after three people were killed in the English city of Nottingham and a van attempted to run over more people early Tuesday morning, police said.


  1. A man is in custody. Sounds like code for: imported vibrant diversity

    1. Your comment got me curious and yep......diversity strikes again.

  2. "A Man"... just an indiscript man, of no particular national origin, race or religious creed...

  3. My guess would be "dhurka dhurka mohammed jihad".

  4. The van attempted to run over more people? Wow.

  5. Talk about a formulaic article.

    1- Van "attempted' to run down 3 people, and the attempt failed so badly those 3 people were treated for injuries at the hospital. Sounds like the attempt was pretty successful to me.
    2- The affirmative action female chief of police (3)- can't identify the suspect because of an ongoing investigation.
    4- No cause of death was given for the 3 murdered victims, which would indicate to me they were killed Sharia style. How Islamophobic of me.
    5- A Labour Party (Prog) Member of Parliament says "our community's thoughts and prayers are with all those affected" and (6)- states his thanks towards "our light blue responders" who arrived on scene after the mayhem was over.

    That's top notch woke journalism from the source, our friends at ABC News (Disney).


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