
Monday, June 19, 2023

Commentary: The Founders Wouldn’t Recognize This ‘Justice’ System

Our Founders envisioned a Nation where the rule of law ensures justice for everyone before our legal system. Equal enforcement of our country’s laws, regardless of a citizen’s political affiliation or social status, was the primary hallmark of this system, which, although imperfect, has set a shining example for the rest of the world to follow. Unfortunately, our legal system has been transformed into one in which politics does matter, and personal connections can be the difference between being given a free pass or receiving a guilty verdict.


  1. Evolution in any medium is not necessarily always positive

  2. It's not just the Justice system. The entire Government has been turned into a blunt instrument to beat We the People with.

  3. That's why they're trying to relieve us of our sharp instruments.

  4. I no longer recognize their authority.
    I no longer consent to be governed by them.
    Fuck them blue.

  5. A Republic....if you can keep it. Well.....nobody could. Experiment over, arm yourself, there will be no more experiments and the game gets harder from now because an alternative was tried.

  6. With liberty and a justice for Trump, and a justice for Hillary, and a justice for Jan 6th visit, and of course a justice for the deplorables!

  7. I see where you went wrong. They look like us . they sound like us. They are referring to their Just-Us system. And we ain't invited until they want to be pieceful...


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