
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

An LGBTQ+ national emergency.....

SACRAMENTO -- The Sacramento Pride Festival added private security this year to the weekend festival held on Sacramento's Capitol Mall in direct response to a national emergency against LGBTQ+ Americans.


Fucking trannies have been the shooters in how many school shootings and they think threats against them constitute a national emergency? Seriously?


  1. Sisifus pushing a Boulder uphill, is the left trying to understand per capita.

  2. I think the existence of trannys in public constitutes a national emergency.

  3. The reckoning is going to be bloody....

  4. Someone threatened to throw Bud Light cans at the trannies? How fitting.

    1. I’m thinking bud lite compressed air cannon. My kids could slap one together in 1/2 hour.

  5. Notice how nobody was really that upset until they started going after the children? Root causes people.

  6. Help! Help! I'm being oppressed here!

  7. Life is simple. If you're not fucking with me, I'm not fucking with you.

  8. It's called "gaslighting." We've seen a lot of it, lately.
    Translate: "we will beat/murder you, and then say that you beat/murder us." Do it long enough, and most folks' minds will warp until they believe it. The so-called "Stockholm syndrome" is one for of the result of gaslighting done very well.
    With the near universal complicity of social media, it's not very hard to do.
    -Just a Chemist

  9. 1960s Friday and Saturday evenings in Sacramento, we cruised K Street.
    With kids sitting on parked cars along both sides of the street, everybody was having decent healthy fun.
    Apparently, George Lucas in Modesto -- an hour south, speed-limit of 75mph -- developed his AMERICAN GRAFFITI script from his experiences cruising K Street.
    During the 1970s, somebody needed to Do! Something! about the thousands of lawless brigands using K Street as their personal playground, so they closed the street and built concrete blockades.
    All that concrete turned it into a scorching reflection of summertime misery.
    Shops lining the new K Street Maul languished a few years, then the whole shootin' match pretty much boarded up.
    A few bureaucrats employed downtown wearily walked through the gauntlet of eye-sore art by 'chicano' racists, but those shoppers bailed for the suburbs by 3 each afternoon.
    Nobody else bothered going all that way into downtown Sacramento.
    That was decades prior to bums infiltrating, turning the concrete planters into a sewer while breaking windows for fun and profit.
    Welcome to the war-zone.
    People quit having anything to do with downtown Sacramento sometime in the 1980s.
    The place is a ghost town.
    If homosexuals were having a protest, I guarantee nobody would know about it if the MainStreamMedia just stayed in bed that day.


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