
Thursday, June 29, 2023

But not politicians, hag?

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in an interview broadcast on Sunday that Supreme Court justices should have term limits, and left the door open for expansion of the nine-justice court. 

Pelosi said on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki” that there “certainly should be term limits” for the justices.


  1. Yeah, but judges were supposed to be protected from having to be political by not having to constantly campaign and such. They're already too political as it is vs. actually doing their job of interpreting the letter of the law. Can guarantee that if there were a bunch of liberals on there, she would be saying the current system is great.

  2. No problem: Term Limits for lefty SCOTUS. And lefty HAGS.

  3. I am but a simple man with simple goals. At this point in my life, one of the things I look forward to the most is to live long enough to be able to read Nancy Pelosi's obituary.

    1. I'm with Elmo.

    2. Mangled quote from Mark Twain: "I have never wished ill of anyone, but I HAVE read a number of obituaries with great pleasure!"

    3. I still read the obits every day in my old hometown paper hoping to see motherfuckers I hate.


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