
Thursday, June 29, 2023

Chattanooga Goes Brave New World

Imagine, if you will (tip of the hat to Rod Serling), a small American town in the mid-South, located on the banks of a major river in a valley surrounded by beautiful mountains. Two major interstate highways pass through the town, making it the major north/south crossroads east of the Mississippi River. Heavily industrialized after WWII, however, this town eventually had the “dirtiest air in the U.S.,” surpassing even Los Angeles for that dubious distinction. 


  1. I see a lot of people/businesses moving to Hixson and Cleveland real soon. My sister, who’s an East Tennessee native and her husband, a Chattanooga native, saw the writing on the wall and moved to a small town near Augusta, Georgia about 5 years ago. They love it there.

  2. Dive right in and show us how well it works, by all means.

  3. We lived in Chattanooga from '48 to '52, most of my grammar school years. I loved it. My friend Rudy and I were allowed to go to the Double Feature Westerns on Saturday on the bus. Imagine that these days. But all the white houses in the neighborhood were blackish from the industrial fallout. I'm still here at 81 so I guess it didn't hurt me much.


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