
Thursday, June 29, 2023

Oh, NOW he decides it's time to get tough on crime

California governor Gavin Newsom has decided to double the presence of state police to deal with San Francisco's crime and fentanyl crises, as he admitted that his own businesses have been burglarized.

The Democrat said the open-air drug dealing in the city is 'unacceptable,' and that his own wine and hospitality businesses have been robbed at least half a dozen times as the city goes through a crime and fentanyl epidemic.


  1. Oh sure, he will take action when it affects him personally, but not when it affects the peons.

  2. The only time a Democrat whines about law and order is after they've personally become a crime victim.

    1. "A 'conservative' is a 'liberal that's been mugged; a 'libertarian' is a 'conservative that's been mugged by the government."

  3. Gavin Juice'em is a scumbag POS.

  4. Sounds like a stunt as a segway into announcing a run for the presidency.
    "They call me law & order Newsom!"
    It'll be fun watching Day-Drinker Pelosi slurring her endorsement for him.


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