
Thursday, June 29, 2023

President Biden’s Fantasy Gun Control Agenda

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, we have a problem. The President is on the loose again, uttering nonsense about the Second Amendment.

President Joe Biden spoke to a collection of political donors as he’s gearing up his 2024 re-election campaign and used his gun control grindstone to churn out well-worn and discredited Second Amendment tropes. The problem is – it’s all malarky. No kidding, man.

President Joe Biden might just be the lying dog-face pony soldier he accuses others of being.


  1. It doesn't matter when our rulers lie, the problem is that so many US people shrug and don't care. Certainly none of FJB's voters care how much he lies or ruins things. Biden is what Biden always was.

  2. His crackhead son got a pass lying on federal forms. STFU, you don't get to talk about gun control when your drug addled son has one.

    1. Don't forget, he's also the man that rearmed the Taliban.

  3. Why do people act surprised by this?

  4. Speaking of Joe...if you look at his official twitter page (POTUS), he gives is phone number and invites people to text him. I wonder how many Memes he has received.

  5. Referring to the pedo as 'President' is horse shit.

  6. I think biden's handlers give him two words to talk about and they send him out to babble.

  7. While many right of center outlets are pimping RFK Jr. for calling out vaccines etc, he's made it clear that he'll sign legislation banning those evil assault weapons as soon as it hits his desk. That is, if he's elected. Never forget, Kennedy's like all Democrats, are flaming liberals first and foremost and will undoubtedly increase the "gibs" to minorities for votes, hamstring your rights and fail to secure the border. Jr. ain't no different.

    Kinda sounds like 98% of all politicians, doesn't it?

  8. " And guess what? It doesn’t say that you can own any weapon you want."
    It doesn't say you can't.

    "It says there are certain weapons that you just can’t own."
    Show me where the Second Amendment says THAT.

    "Even when it was passed, you couldn’t own a cannon."
    At "the time it was passed" there were still Revolutionary War veterans that still had cannons on their ships. Google "privateers" and have somebody read it to you.

    "You can’t own a machine gun.
    Nice complete fucking ignorance of the National Firearms Act, Mr. Second Amendment Law School "Professor"


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