
Thursday, June 29, 2023

Maine legalizing abortion up to the moment of birth

It would appear that changes are coming to Maine’s abortion laws, though it remains unclear just what the full breadth of the changes will be. Last night, the Maine House concluded a very tight and contentious vote to pass a bill that would allow abortions at any stage in a woman’s pregnancy under certain circumstances.


Unreal. Un-fucking-real.


  1. If they're not careful there won't ever be children in kindergarten to be groomed by the alphabet people.

  2. Hell, makeup to age 16, sometimes the fuckers just don't turn out good.

  3. Maineiac's. Those people are nuts. I rode through there on my motorcycle many times. About the most rude, miserable bunch a bastards I ever ran into and I went through many states with over thrity years of touring. I was in Caribou and my Roadking was running rough. I pulled up next to a guy on a Sporster and asked where the Harley shop was. He gave me a snear and drove away. I found the shop which was a few blocks away, pulled in and there the bastard sat. What a little prick. I always made sure I could get though Maine in a day if I had to pass through it. New Brunswick the people were so damn friendly. They called those in Maine, Maineiac's.

  4. Passed even though about 96% of the population was against it. But that can't compete with planned parenthood. Incidentally the demonrats blocked an amendment for selling fetal body parts. I'm sure it's totally unrelated...

  5. Moloch, Ishtar, and Baal have returned, and our culture worships them. Some are aware, some are not, but the ancient gods have returned.
    63,000,000 babies burned as medical waste, or ground in garbage disposals and treated as sewage.
    Ishtar makes women love women, and men love men, she can make a man behave as a woman, and woman as a man, she is the goddess of homosexuality, and transgenderism.
    Baal is the god of self.

    So there is that.

    Steve in Kentucky

    1. Bah. If they were really going after people, they'd use a flood like the self-centered bastard did before.

    2. That is a very foolish thing to think, and say.

      Steve in KY

  6. If the fetus dies at 8 months and the mothers body doesn't automatically reject it, THIS is why laws are written the way they are, so people who who don't understand what the word 'viable' means, won't do stupid things to victims of cruel mother nature.

    1. It seems like that would already have been covered.

    2. If the child dies of natural causes inutero, there has never been law against removing the child from the mother's womb. Only lying psychopaths say different as scare tactics to pass infacide affirming laws.

  7. I’ve met a few people from Maine and I am ok with this

  8. As a supporter of abortion at all stages, mainly for reasons of eugenics(Henry Ford, ERB, and Charles Lindbergh all have my back), I love the dilemma this poses for the Repubs. If they freak out on this to appeal to the religious right, they'll get some contributions and some votes(but not many). Come election time 2024, though, the vast majority of women who want legal abortions at all times are going to be raring to vote Democrat as they did in 2022. No matter how bad President Biden is, abortion is THE issue for an awful lot of women and a lot of men.
    I talk with the staff of a lot of gun stores, and several people have told me that quite a few women buy firearms in case the religious right gets their way. I've seen quite a few women wearing pro-abortion shirts and hats at gun shows; they're pro-gun, but also pro abortion.

    1. They are one with an unhealthy or realistic view of what might happen, but they are basing it on what they would do, i.e. projection.
      One can be against abortion and not want women subjugated or treated like some of their favorite religions.
      One can be against affirmative action and not want to discriminate against people, in fact those that favor those programs ARE the racist.
      And on and on.

    2. It shows how bat shit crazy the left is when they object to Christianity for wanting to save children's lives and embrace Islam that subjugates women and tosses gays off of buildings for sport.

    3. Between this and the bullshit story of your enlistment, you're a fucking idiot, Plague Monk.

  9. These are some Sick Sick SICK ! Mother Fuckers.
    How the Fuck do you justify that?
    Womens Health? Fuuuuuck them and that, Thats Bull Shit,
    What so they can be lazy whores?

    Next up, post birth abortions.
    That one i could get behind.

  10. I for keeping infanticide safe and legal. I also support abortion up until the sixth trimester.

  11. What to fuck ever happened to fucking birth control?????

  12. Handsome Pristine PatriotJuly 2, 2023 at 8:13 AM

    And then, there's this: Maine makes it legal to be a prostitute, but illegal to use a prostitute's services or to pimp for them.
    WTF could go wrong???


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