
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Commentary: DeSantis’ Plan to Tear Down the DOJ Is What All the Candidates Need

This is, on the surface and even a little below it, a column about Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis and the 2024 GOP primary. But it’s about more than that, and if you’ll leave the partisan preferences at the door for a bit, hopefully we can come to some sort of larger understanding that we’ll need as the next presidential race looms.


  1. Never vote on a promise.

  2. DeSantis is an Ivy League lawyer and a career GOP politician. He has done some good things in FL but I don't expect he'd change much. He is reputed to have said he will stop the weaponization of the DOJ on political biases. What I hear is that we'll return to the days when "both sides"* of our rulers are above the law.

    *"both sides" is a joke, the uniParty simply good cops/bad cops a mostly gullible populace. But "both sides" could also refer to how politicans and lawyers speak with their mouths.

  3. Evictus? Someone needs to introduce him to Lorena Bobbitt.

  4. Whoops, I left that in the wrong place, like Evictus.

  5. If the GOP was a firearm, it would be a cap gun. Noisy, but no bullets.

  6. I have a plan. It’s called the “Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up faster.” plan. Anyone who thinks we’re going to vote our way out of this hasn’t been paying attention. Eod1sg Ret

  7. Ron DeSantis is a lackey/stand-in for Jeb Bush. 'Nuff said....

  8. The biggest problems for any republican president will be China mitch and mccarthy. They will never give up the uniparty. Just look at the colossal failure mitch and paul ryan were.

  9. follow the money on Ron.........he has been good to FL which is reside but yeah no....Trump or bust

  10. Didn't he fly to Israel to sign a bill that made it illegal to criticize jews in Florida?


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