
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Commentary: The DOJ Just Opened Pandora’s Box

For the first time in American history, the leading candidate to defeat the incumbent president has been indicted by the incumbent’s Justice Department. Former President Donald Trump has been indicted by a federal grand jury for illegally retaining classified government documents and obstructing justice.

This is a momentous occasion, and not only for President Trump. This moment portends a massive change in the norms of this nation that all Americans who care about the neutral rule of law should pay close attention to, for it raises the specter of the partisan weaponization of the criminal justice system—not just by the Democrats targeting Trump but by Republicans who will certainly retaliate when they regain control of the criminal charging process.


    Ain't a straight one in the bunch. Hang em all!!!!!

  2. repubs retaliate? oh please. they are much too refined to do that. Besides, they really are all crooks.

    1. The spineless ninnies won't retaliate, that's not the role they're playing.

  3. All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they become quickly addicted. Frank Herbert

    No one who WANTS to run for political office should be allowed to run for political office. (Although how to solve that problem is beyond me.)

  4. I did see some photographs purported to contain classified documents in boxes on the stage in the ballroom. One could not tell what the boxes contained, is this another example of a weaponized DOJ ?

    1. Those photos are nothing more than propaganda as the indictment only listed a few hundred pages/documents. It doesn’t take more than a couple of boxes for a few hundred pages/documents

    2. Maybe 1 (formerly?) classified document per box with the rest never classified, maybe all the boxes with some known to contain classified documents. It's the same principle as the DEA has always used: find a potted marijuana plant, measure the pot, dirt, and plant as "the weight of the drugs".

  5. Looks like the opening hand of the "Take over" game has been dealt. Anyone taking bets on a "fair, inclusive, reach-across-the-isle" outcome?

  6. Since the Democrats own the voting systems now, it really doesn't matter who runs against them. But I'll vote for Trump even if he's sitting in prison, just to tweak the Deep State's nose and let them know there are some of us who don't care what they do since we consider them the enemy. That all of their efforts to make Trump a pariah are wasted, because they haven't fooled everyone; some of us realize they are worse.

  7. Also note that the "news" reports say "classified documents" while the charges say "documents with classified markings".
    These are NOT the same thing. Declassified documents which were once classified have "classified" markings on them.
    John in Indy

  8. The indictments are not for classified documents, they are indictments for documents having classified markings.

    Big difference

  9. Fair enough - charge EVERYBODY who violated the law then. Nobody skates - you violated the law, you get prosecuted and judged innocent or guilty.

    Who is prosecuted 1st ? The longest previously skating part who weren't charged. Bill Clinton, then George Bush II, then Obama, then Trump. Fair and equal treatment between all.

  10. One question. How are they going to "regain control"?

  11. The top republicans are democrats. Nothing will happen.

  12. You know who has the ultimate declassification power? The President. If he decided those documents were declassified, then they were. That's all there is to that.

    1. He can declassify. But he has to actually do that. So that everyone knows how to handle documents. "Just thinking about it" aint gonna work

  13. OK, he should have said "To Hell with a future Presidential Library, no documents and I'm walking out of here with nothing in my underwear".

  14. " It is unlikely that the recoding of Trump showing classified material to a writer will suffice..."

    If I'm not mistaken a document is not classified if a President says it isn't and he can show it to anyone he wants to.

  15. I dispute the use of 'former'.
    Nothing I see indicates President Trump was voted out of office by a majority of legitimate voters.
    Everything I see indicates biden was illegally put into the White House.
    Journalists using the word 'former' are fabricating and perpetuating a lie.


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