
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Nashville Shooter Autopsy Obtained

Townhall has exclusively obtained trans-identified mass shooter Audrey "Aiden" Elizabeth Hale's autopsy report months after the murderer massacred six victims, including three children, at a private Christian elementary school in Nashville, Tennessee.

Though the cause of death was apparent, a hail of gunshots from a pair of heroic Nashville police officers who didn't hesitate to neutralize Hale, the public has been left wondering what drugs were in the mass shooter's system, if any, at the time of the Covenant School rampage. Included in the 11-page document from the Davidson County Medical Examiner's office, a toxicology report found that the blood-, urine- and vitreous-humor analysis performed on Hale did not detect abuse of substances or alcohol.


  1. Never believe a word they tell you!

    1. What's questionable about the autopsy report?

    2. Wire severer - the absence of the toxicology report results is what is questionable, I don't see them. All that is included is the limits of each test, not the results. If I missed something please enlighten me.

      Also the longer this goes on, the more likely the "manifesto" will be completely deep-sixed.

    3. Tox found no "abuse of substances". What about prescribed substances?
      Steve S6

    4. I’m questioning where the report says her vagina was atraumatic. I’ve seen a few in my day and every one of them looked very traumatizing.

    5. @MadMarlin - yeah, some of them look like a hastily made roast beef sandwich made with a muffin.

    6. Steve S6, it's not what's said, it's what' very carefully not said.

  2. Maybe no substance "abuse" but what about prescribed medications for trans-itis?

  3. Psychotic paranoid mental disorder doesn't float around in the blood stream

    1. The treatment for it does, but paranoid schizophrenics generally aren't murderers while they are _on_ their meds.

  4. Didn't see anything odd about the report; physical exam was pretty standard, and they tested for the usual substances, but not SSRIs or anything.

  5. What prescription drugs were present?

  6. I’d be concerned about “SSRI’s”….
    and their dosage/legal levels.


  7. No hormone blockers or signs of illicit or psych drugs, so it was killing willingly or one of .gov’s wind up toys. And where did the abrasions and blunt force trauma come from?

  8. well, the brain was broken...long before the lead poisoning

  9. didn't need drugs or alcohol. Once I got to the trans part, I knew it was a bagful of crazy, like all of them

  10. Not enough head shots..................

  11. Where is the manifesto?

  12. I echo..IDGAF about the autopsy.

    Where is the un edited my manifesto?

  13. What isn't listed is any assay for testosterone, which she was rumored to be taking.
    A mentally ill, smallish lady, taking 20x the amount of testosterone that a pubescent male has in his body?

    You know, the rage-inducing hormone that is so behaviorally powerful that adolescent boys have to have their own actuarial tables for survival and death rates because of it?
    When boys first encounter testosterone spikes, they're smallish and less dangerous and yet small early pubescent boys still die in job lots because of bad behavior influenced by growth hormones. You know that whole thing, where if a boy lives to 18, he'll probably live to 70? There's a reason why they choose 18, not 14.
    Now dump all that in an adult female. Who has mental illness.
    The guys who say that spree killers are government-sent are not wrong. I disagree with it being intentional, but time bombs like this bitch are absolutely a result of policy.

  14. How many cartridges fired by LawEnforcementOfficials?
    How many hits?


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