
Monday, June 19, 2023

Drug And Food Shortages Are Here, And They Will Get A Lot Worse...

Once the pandemic subsided, global supply chains were supposed to return to normal. But now “hundreds of drugs” are in short supply in the United States, and even CNN is admitting that we are in the midst of “the worst food crisis in modern history”. As I did research for this article, I was stunned by what I discovered. Things are worse than I realized. I knew that a lot of drugs were in short supply, but it turns out that there have been shortages of many of our most basic antibiotics since last October, and now Pfizer is telling us that several types of penicillin will completely run out later this year…


I went to refill Lisa's pain meds Friday and was told that it was out of stock because there was a regional shortage, but hopefully they'll be able to refill them Monday or Tuesday. 


  1. And the left would vote once again for Biden?

  2. Ken, You might check another store for Ms Lisa's meds. They should have no issue transferring your 'scrip so it can be filled elsewhere.

    I eat a handful of prescription meds every day and have my share of horror stories about 'scrips. Safeway, for example, has repeatedly been unable to fill one of my meds and told me every time that it was was unavailable due to a manufacturer issue, while Walgreens and CVS both had no problem getting them. While my net cost at Safeway was less than both Walgreens and CVS, I left them due to being lied to like that.

    1. I did check. Like I said, it's a regional shortage, all of middle Tennessee and Kentucky.
      Late Saturday we got an email notification that LadyDoc had substituted another painkiller, so she's not hurting too bad.

    2. Be careful changing pharmacies!
      The local pharmacy was out of my wife’s prescription. (CVS) So I went to the same chain in the next township to fill it. (CVS)
      Wife got the third degree from her doctors office.
      What Obama did to medical profession in this country is criminal.

    3. What he did to everything in this country is criminal.

    4. And there are more people today without healthcare iinsurance than there were before "The Really Big Fucking Deal" of Obamacare. Funny how that works.

  3. Considering there's probably no lack of painkillers of all sorts available on the street, don't you find that a bit odd?
    Things like Tramadol, which no one takes recreationally, but of great relief to those with moderate pain, also "run out" at the local Pharm.


  4. Our corn, soybeans and wheat are going to be really short as well as potatoes. There is a reason the the government is asking people to register their gardens and I saw a report that Tractor Supply won't sell chicks without and address and phone number. People will starve in this country in the coming year. Wait for the EBT riots in the cities and the starving hordes of illegals.

    1. I was in Tractor Supply not two hours ago and watched a woman buy 2 dozen chicks without giving her address and phone number.
      They'll ask for your number for their rewards program, but you don't have to give it up.

    2. I checked the website where gardens are registered when this first came out, and private gardens are not eligible. Registration is only for organized community gardens and teaching gardens.

    3. We bought a few chicks at TS bout 12-18 months ago, and they absolutely would not sell them to us without address and phone number. The excuse was the bird flu, but they did indeed say we could not buy them without furnishing the information. I waked out to the truck, dear bride wanted the birds and complied, albeit angrily.

    4. 123 MLK street
      Anytown usa

      Lie. The left does all the time. Pay cash & go


  5. The food crises is going to be self inflicted and blamed on the Russians and climate change.

  6. The butcher section my oldest runs is in a co-op. For the last 3 weeks their supplier (one of the big slaughter houses) has been cutting orders to grocery stores by 50-60% because of supply issues.


    1. Which is a result of small cattle producers giving up and throwing in the towel. Ask me how I know.
      But on the bright side, those that are hanging in there have seen beef market prices rise almost 50% since last year. This is NorCal I speak of.

  7. Last year, the pharmacy "ran out" of the BP meds I take, saying that they were on back order, so they filled my 'script with another brand. Told me it would be $368 dollars...for a med I normally paid $25 for.
    I told them to stick it up their asses and I'd rather stroke out then pay for that shit. Told my doc he could take that 'script and eat it...I wasn't going to take the meds anymore.
    Miraculously, they found another brand that was the same price as the original.
    Fuckin' crooks and quacks.


  8. These shortages, yeah It’s all by design. For most it’s too late or impractical to change your life to a self subsistence model. Hell a stupid simple victory garden is a no brainer. Spuds, produce pounds of fresh wholesome goodness and they are not to hard to grow and store. Beets are a super food and you can eat the entire plant. But when most think of a garden they think of the foofoo stuff for salads that the pests love to infest. Again these shortages are all by design, oh and buydem is not smart enough and should not be blamed. It’s his handlers.

  9. When the anti-psychotic and anxiety drugs run out, the streets will be full of dangerous idiots. The herd will be thinned by lack of diabetic/heart drugs but the unmedicated psychos will really do a number on the rest of us.

  10. Monthly copay for my Rx jumped from 30.00 to 225.00 due to Medicare part D "Gap."
    I did not expect that.

    But I saved 225.00 because the med is on backorder...

  11. We are short or near short hundreds of drugs in this country at this point. Damn Pfizer making tons off of gene therapy injections, but are somehow running out of penicillin? They couldn't see that coming? Bullshit.
    And to tell someone on chronic opiate therapy "too bad so sad" and leave them to go through not only uncontrolled pain, but withdrawal pushes up close to a hangin offense.
    Diabetic meds, psychotropic meds, ADHD meds, antibiotics...the list is long. Received a message just an hour ago from one of my patients raising hell about not being able to get meds.
    It is getting worse, and my guess is will continue.
    In more great news the AMA has determined that using Body Mass Index is rayyyyyyycist.
    I see no way to stop this freight train of evil as the fabric of normal society is torn asunder. Maybe we can rebuild something from the ashes.

  12. Any primary care physician knows that this is old news. Got much worse this year, but it's been a significant annoyance for at least 5 years. Offshoring drug production has worked out about as well as offshoring every other fucking thing we used to make in this country.

  13. Kenny, have you looked into Express (I think that's the name) which sends your drugs by mail?

    Even prescription drugs and automatic renewals of Rx can be done. Your insurance pays the shopping. Often, the Rx are at discounted pricing.

    Me mudder been using this for over a decade with only one complaint (because a snafu in shipping. That was quickly resolved.).

  14. Like most every other disaster that's happened recently, not accident.


  15. Funny, we don't hear anymore about why pharma co.'s went offshore in the first place. Does "Tort Reform" ring a bell? F'n lawyers & F'n pharma co.'s.

  16. They've put all their manufacturing effort into mRNA technology.
    They don't have time for the cheap shit.


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