
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

En garde, y'all

SPRINGFIELD TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – Two people were transported to area hospitals and one taken into custody after police, EMS, and the Fire Department were called to a Springfield home following reports of an altercation involving a sword Monday evening.


  1. And the victor announced: Touche Douche!

  2. Back in the day, about fourteen years old, I had a sword and a friend had a scythe blade with a rag wrapped around the end for a handle. We were screwing around sword fighting and got pissed at each other. He swung nearly getting me and sunk the scythe into a telephone pole. While he was trying to pull it free I stabbed him in the leg. Just a trickle of blood not a needing stitches wound. Yup, we was crazy.

  3. That's a katana! Those two are no ninjas

  4. As a young lad my fellow students would sharpen popsicle sticks into "swords". Danny Rouch nearly blinded my right eye. The stick was still in me as we return to class after recess.

  5. when swords are outlawed, only outlaws will have swords...I will give up my sword when you pry it from my cold, dead hands...

  6. As a Southen Child….
    pretend “sword fighting” with butcher knives….
    still got the scar on my knuckle.



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