
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Tennessee, baby



  1. Needs a 'Baby On-Board' bumper sticker. Driver could be fined for not using a state approved rear facing car seat.

  2. That one of them MooBer vehicles?

  3. I was about four and my father bought a Shetland pony. He put it in the backseat of a 54 Chevy and we brought it home to the farm. In about 58 he and another guy went on a week drunk and bought two goats. They put them in the back seat of a 57 Dodge. Days later when they got home the goats had eaten the shit outta the upholstery and shit everywhere. He had one mad wife and bought a new car real quick. My older brother got the 57 and never did get the smell out of it.

    1. Did he try rolling down the windows? The same anomaly occurs to cabs in DC; once a politician gets in, the horrible smell never leaves.

  4. knew a lady that used her minivan to haul goats. Little turds all over it. Work with what you got is the farmers creed.

  5. Regular occurrence on my uncle´s New York farm taking bull calves to auction.

    In the back seat or the trunk did not matter as long as the calves made it to auction.

    Hiker Mike

  6. I call your calf and raise you a bison.

  7. When we had goats to sell, it was amazing to me how some people thought they could transport a goat in their vehicle without it peeing and pooping everywhere.
    Kari in WA

    1. I used to know a woman that was losing her kid goats to coyotes, so she started bringing the newborns into the house. It was funnier than hell watching Debbie getting frustrated trying to housebreak those kids. No, she didn't succeed.

    2. We had a doe birth 5 kids(!) during a "polar vortex". They were all pretty puny and we had to bottle feed, so into the bathroom mama and babies went. In a 1 bathroom house. Fun, fun, fun. And no housebreaking.

    3. Anon- Don't stop there.
      How many of the 5 fawns fledged?
      Do they make deer milk replacer, and if so
      What did bottle feeding 5 fawns cost you?

      Any time I bottle fed a calf it was pretty much a non-profit deal. But what it lacked in profit it made up for in smiles. It was always a blast.

    4. Elmo - goat doe with kids, not deer doe with fawns. 😎

  8. When your kid is in 4-H and you don't have a pickup or anyone to haul it for you. Been there. Thankfully my kid had a lamb.

  9. And it's Henry county, where I spent about half my childhood; my grandmother & great-grandmother lived in Puryear, Ma graduated from Buchanan (that's BUCK-annin), and we lived there a good while.
    --Tennessee Budd

  10. A friend from work and his brother were both alcoholics. They went to the local animal auction and ended up buying a Shetland pony. They got it home and didn't know what to do with it, so they ended up butchering it and eating it over the next couple of weeks.
    My friend stopped drinking after trying to kill himself by climbing inside a chest freezer. His other brother that didn't drink found him in time and he joined AA, and it worked for him.
    He told me that he used to drink at least a fifth of booze plus some beer every day.
    He was a strange guy, but at the same time a good friend. He died a couple years ago but he remarried after his first wife passed away. So he did find someone who made him happy, for the last 3 or 4 years of his life.


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