
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Good Morning



  1. yeah, reminds me of my grandson when he was young. my two dogs where all over him.
    a 110 pound roadie and a 70 pound pit mix. my kid had a small problem when they tried to leave. the dogs didn't want my grandson to go. I had to take them outside so he could pick HIS kid up without the dogs getting upset about it. they wanted him to stay with them.
    anyway, my grandson was never safer than with those two sitting on either side of him.
    when the pit mix got older, she would lay across his legs so he could not move away from her. the roadie would play ball with him for HOURS. drop the ball at his feet every time.
    he didn't do that for me though ! we all miss that dog, Slim. dave in pa

  2. All those doggie kisses are the kid's immune system's boot camp.

  3. OMG, that vicious pibble will kill that poor child! /s


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