
Thursday, June 08, 2023

High School offers new yearbooks, refunds amid LGBTQ+ controversy

LONGWOOD, Fla. – Lyman High School is offering parents full refunds for yearbooks after material was included that shows LGBTQ+ content, according to the school district. 

One page in the high school’s yearbook shows a list of LGBTQ+ terms, including phrases like “genderfluid,” “nonbinary” and “pansexual.”


  1. I graduated from Lyman High School in 1970. Of course we didn't have all this bullshit back then. These types would have been knocked on their collective asses. The most controversial thing we did, well some of us, was smoke pot at lunch time in the baseball dugouts.

    1. I was out in 1971. WTF Lyman?

  2. Full refund or a reprint? I say embrace the Power of And. Do both. Furthermore, the yearbook club advisor should meet every parent of the graduating class members, in person, individually, and kiss the bottom of their shoes.

  3. I note the arguments for keeping the page are inclusiveness, etc. I also know from my formal training that these individuals used to be diagnosable with a mental illness. (DSM 3 & 4)
    If that's the level, where is the page for bipolar? How about borderline? I could keep going. If one mental illness deserves political support, why not the rest? We know why. It has nothing to do with the actual support and everything to do with the destruction of our culture. Next, it utilizes a new political pressure, that is - denying reality. In this case, knowing reality and being pressured/punished for saying it.

  4. Yearbooks and class rings... just another scam and waste of money preying on students and their families.

  5. They took a stand, the in your face issue we all have to live with. A refund doesn't change it - they won.

  6. Did they give the anti-lgbtq/etc people a page….????
    They’ve got all these minority celebration months….
    When’s Caucasian/White month….????
    Fair’s fair.

    1. I'm sure they'll get around to creating White History Month just after they create Plumber's Month, Logger's Month, Lineman's Month, Carpenter's Month, Sewage Treatment Plant Operator's Month and Coal Miner's Month.

      Of course that would mean celebrating the people who actually make America work as opposed to celebrating Gay Queers* who do pole dances and twerk on crucifixes while wearing a bra, a speedo and high heels.

      *Their term, not mine.

  7. It's another case of Liberals being neurtic obsessed 24/7 control freaks who think those who don't agree with their crap will just let it go and not push back. Sadly, it's mostly true. I call it 'The Rino-Pence mentality".

  8. America is tiring of this being pushed in our faces. What you do with your junk is meant to be in private. Nobody cares unless it involves children.
    But forcing it everywhere only results in Bud Light/Target/Chick FIL A backlash.
    Watch what is happening around you....

  9. Why is it that the phrase "too soon, too fast" keeps coming to mind?
    Now I DON'T give a flying f*ck on what you do at home as long as Kids or Animals are NOT involved. Just DO NOT TELL ME ABOUT IT OR SHOW ME!!! But Noooooooooooo as the late Jon Belusi would say. As it is these folks are really riding for a serious fall and will then act all suprised when the sh*t happens to them. Then God help them as nobody will be riding in to stop it.


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