
Wednesday, June 07, 2023

How the ATF is extorting Americans for MILLIONS

Chris Arnet of the National Association for Gun Rights reveals how the ATF has craftily created the pistol brace rule, so that even if it gets overturned, they will end up with a major gun registry and over 51 MILLION in newly taxed dollars.

VIDEO HERE  (9:12 minutes)


  1. My compact fishing pole with the pistol grip is not required to have a S/N nor a feral registration from the Assholes, Tyrrants, and FUps.

  2. I wonder if that's true. I can't recall ever seeing one in the wild. The only one I've ever seen was in a CCW class, and it was described as worthless by the instructor.

    1. You've never seen an AR pistol except in your CCW class?

    2. I've never seen an AR pistol either, but I dont get out much either.

    3. Wow. Find somebody that has one and ask if you could shoot it. They're a lot of fun.


  4. Just today I read this month's Gun Digest. A couple of writers suggested registration is the best option. That's what they did.
    Friends like that, who needs enemies.

  5. only 200k registered their braced pistols out of 20 to 40 million, estimated by sales. not much of a gun registry nor much cash for the beast. i made mine legal, for now, watching to see what all the lawsuits bring. without the brace they are about worthless tho except at bad breath range. moving the folding stock vz58 up to primary home defense duty. need a light on it though....

    1. Reading on my telephone, I held-to-highlight your 'vz58'.
      The first response is that collection of gossip and rumors called wikipedia:
      * "The vz. 58 (or Sa vz. 58) is a 7.62×39mm assault rifle..."
      Now, either your intended use of home 'defense' is wrong, or the writers of wikipedia are in error with their classification of 'assault'.
      Which do you suppose it is?


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