
Wednesday, June 07, 2023

It’s Not Just Going to End

Near-constant predictions of liberalism’s impending demise over the past few decades have been greatly exaggerated. From looking at the latest flash points in the culture wars, liberals keep racking up wins. Even their apparent local defeats are usually strategic retreats after sounding their enemies’ soft spots.


  1. Nobody wants to stick their neck out in the US, everyone wants someone else to do the work.

    There's an old Chinese saying,
    "First generation-coolie!
    Second generation-merchant!
    Third generation-tycoon!
    Fourth generation-playboy!
    Fifth generation-coolie!"

    The playboy years are ending. That's the legacy of the Boomer generation, the playboy generation where so many partied all their lives ignoring everything. Because our grandparents beat Shitler and we're oh so special people. Proudly apathetic to all that is not the self.

    While many celebrate stock value losses for Target or Bud, the price will rebound in due time. Because the right threw away principles, an American is always for sale. As an example, consider the NFL so many were POd at for Kapernick and BLM. The NFL is doing quite fine and the fans have returned. That's the boomer addiction to sports entertainment on display.

    For decades the US people have proven incapable of caring about corruption in govt., ending policies that are clearly failures, or voting out career criminals. No, it's not going to end. Things haven't gotten bad enough yet. There's ways to actively disrupt and resist but the frig is still full. Hell, the people aren't even allowed to communicate dissenting thoughts anymore, addicted as they are to social media.

    1. "Not voting out career criminals." Apparently you don't know how elections work. It's not who votes, it's who COUNTS the votes: Stalin.

    2. We shouldn't embrace conspiracy theories to as a way to avoid facing our own faults. The things I wrote of are not new. A little fraud here or there might swing an election, but it doesn't change the fact that the left has many, many staunch voters. The people overall are that corrupt. They don't care so long as it's believed that it's their side that is benefiting.

      Why do Dems win? 60+% of women vote Dem, and more women vote than men. Perhaps against mean tweeting Trump it's as high as 2 out of 3. 90+% of the 13% vote Dem. Toss in 3% for the homos and add more for various other grievance mascot classifications. (.6 * .5) + (13/2 * .9) + 3 + ? = easily over 40% of any vote right there. Maybe even close to 50%. Grievance culture is why Dems win, Dems are a grievance mascot conglomerate. We might mock it, but not too loudly, nor on social media, nobody wants to be called a racist. The women will get all huffy for one.

      --Anon @12:46 PM

    3. Anon @ 12:46
      Got it all figured out, do ya?
      You're pretty laughable. Wisdom suggests you look, listen, shut yer pie hole.

  2. Rush Limbaugh said more than once: "Liberalism is the default ideology for a majority of people" because most react emotionally to everything. There's nothing that will change that.

    1. Man do we miss Rush or what!

    2. Liberal is what smart looks like to stupid people. From Rush's show.

  3. When my education benefits are exhausted in the United States, I'm going home to Czechoslovakia. There I want to find myself a nice countryside house with a garden and a library. There is nothing left in the USA for me that I can't find elsewhere or fly back for on rare occasion.

    I may leave some toys buried here in the states, just in case Americans of European descent find their balls and take back their lands. As it is now, people in the United States have lost their solidarity; they have forgotten how to stand together and are near incapable of forming a union anymore.

    - Arc

    1. Not forgotten. Covered by waves of illegal aliens and legal immigration. No tacit insistence of assimilation; in fact, encouraged to live according to the culture you came from.

      The Roman empire, Persian, Median, now America. Aall brought down by a myriad of inaimilated, hyphenated groups with nothing in common save living in the same country.

      Today I heard a woman blaming a man for offending her. He was wearing a patch of the American flag. That's what offended her.

      There are towns and cities which disallow flying the stars and stripes. No prayer before council meetings (a tradition since the founding of America), the schools disallowing the pledge of alligeance, no prayer, no signing the national anthem.

    2. I know a man who in his youth risked death or lengthy prison sentence to escape from Czechoslovakia.

      Now decades later he has bought a small farm there. He endured struggles to become quite successful in America.
      He is leaving America because she is no longer that country of liberty (his words).

      And Czecho is no longer under soviet hardship and does offer a nice life.

    3. The people telling you "You'll win. If you just go along, to get's paid. They'll get tired, eventually, and you get's to keeps yours." are the same people that told people to "Put their name and address on a tag, on their luggage. And toss it in the pile on the platform. So it can be sent by a baggage train. To their new home." So the people would do all the work of loading themselves into the boxcars, to the camps. Always have been.

    4. Eugene, Oregon.
      I visit elderly shut-ins.
      One old gal retired from Berkeley University, near Frisco in California.
      She wanted to see Oregon, so we arranged a one-day tour.
      In tiny Brownsville, we stopped to shop a yarn and knitting store.
      The old gal was stiff with fury, shaking in anger.
      Months later, she admitted the sight of every home and business flying 'American flags and MAGA banners is what is wrong with this country!'
      I think we can partition states and establish city-states and swap boundaries all day long.
      The poison is in their hearts, and they hide among us, concealed as helpless hopeless spinsters.
      An aside:
      Next to her television set so she can constantly see it, that old gal proudly displays a portrait of ex-bureaucrat barrack hussein o'bama dancing with that 'former First Spouse' person.
      Reinforcement to prove she must be right.
      An aside:
      At every point during any of her tirades, I mumble "You are right...", but that seems to upset her further...


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