
Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Keeping it classy

U.S. Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-Fla.) slammed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on stage at a Paramore concert in Washington, D.C., on Friday. 
Videos circulating on social media show the freshman congressman being invited onto the stage by Paramore singer Hayley Williams, who introduced him as the “first Gen Z congressman.”


  1. Hey, I saw his movie! "Wild in the Streets." Max Frost (rock and roller) ended up as president and sent all the old people (over 35) to retirement camps. Fed them LSD to keep them peaceful. Not a bad movie. Richard Pryor played drums in his band.

  2. Dumbass has no idea what a Facist is. Keep hanging with Dem's and he'll find out.

  3. I kinda get a kick out of watching these loud mouth commies put themselves on the radar.

  4. Liberals have absolutely NO, NADA, ZIP boundaries. Their only goal in life is to dominate and destroy those who they can't control. Until someone uses the same tactics against they will eventually win the grand prize. I have to laugh at all the Republican presidential candidates, especially that pussy Pence. Does that asshole really believe that playing by the rules, being fair and coming together with the Democrats or is he a Deep State snake oil salesman?

    1. Saturated in used 90 wt. Bonafied, beady-eyed, slithering reptile.

  5. This circus will continue until as long as they keep callling it a swamp. We need to call it what it really is, a cesspool.


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