
Monday, June 12, 2023

Play That Funky Music, White Boy

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Complaints were pouring in after residents in one San Francisco neighborhood were hearing classical music blaring throughout the night. 

A speaker in the parking lot of the Safeway on Webster Street near Geary had been playing music since February, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

It's used to deter loitering.


The 7-11 about a half mile from my old house in Modesto did the same thing. It worked. It turns out homeless people just don't appreciate Beethoven.


  1. How about Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overature with 12 gauge 00-Buck rounds replacing the usual artillery.

  2. ... which is honestly ironic. Various studies have suggested listening to classical music (actively, in the background, or while sleeping) can positively stimulate neural activity.

    1. That may be why certain demographic groups don't like it.

  3. Peoria, IL uses crosswalk signals to deter loitering. The walk light signals to blind people that it's OK to cross the street. It's a loud as a smoke alarm 10 feet over your head. You'll soon be deaf as well as blind.

  4. I remember reading that fast food places would play a tone that young people could hear but older people could not to get rid of the loitering.

    1. Great Britain. It was curtailed as being raaacist.

  5. Next, you will hear the homeless begging, "excuse me, have you any Grey Poupon?"

  6. That was the nearest safeway to use when I stayed in Pacific Heights back at the turn of the century. It wasn't a bad area at all back then. It was actually a really great place. I'm sorry it's gone now.

    1. There’s a project adjacent to that Safeway. I used to see black people leaving the store and getting into a yellow cab there.

  7. Excuse me, but I might stick around for the music. Some of those classical tunes are pretty good

  8. There's a Shell station near my doctor close to the hood. The black lady that runs the store plays twangy Country Western music all day. It's actually fun to watch the natives rush in to buy something and then rush off. Nobody hangs out at her place.


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