
Monday, June 12, 2023

Your Monday Morning Florida Report

A man was captured on surveillance video robbing a phone repair store in Miami with a cardboard box over his head, but lifted the box to get a better look at the loot, revealing his face to the camera. 

Having collected the footage, the store's owner, Jeremias Berganza, found the thief hours later drinking at a liquor store and called the police, who arrested the man.


  1. Did we need to, um, you know...?

  2. Another shining example of the uselessness of the entire DOJ and lawfare industry - employing the stupid kid who was the playground bully since 1946.

    1. What in the hell are you talking about? Did you even read the article?

    2. I think he probably just looks at pictures. Pictures from another article, at another time, and galaxy.
      What a maroon!

  3. Drinking at a liquor store? Is this allowed in Florida, or was the editor out to lunch?

  4. Lots of liquor stores in Florida have a “lounge” attached, or vice versa.


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