
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

"Screw you guys, I'm going home"

A former West Wilson Middle School teacher announced her resignation before the school board this week, saying she’s had enough of unruly students and a lack of support from administrators.

“We've had students cause thousands of dollars in damage, steal and damage teachers’ property, sexually harassed teachers, threatened teachers and their fellow students in the form of a hit list, be under the influence of illegal drugs or vaping, and some being caught with illegal drugs, all which were given what I believe to be little punishment despite the county having zero tolerance policies with no accountability for behaviors,” Lauren Gray told the board.


  1. i assume that the school has a large amish population?

  2. Anyone wondering about the demographics of the middle school she use to teach at a the rate of single parent house holds

  3. This teacher lost track of what the school's priorities are: "will these kids vote for democrats".
    Teachers like this should not be allowed in schools anyway, so good riddance.

  4. School board cut her off for time, and dismissed her resignation by saying that vacancies are common over the summer. That's just some great admin right there. About like hospitals.

  5. I last taught in 2017-18. I did not retire, I quit. My story sounds a lot like this teachers. Unruly students and NO administrative support. If you wanted a check, you had to be able to look the other way when discipline problems occurred. The school was majority white, but a good % probably had Native American ancestry (Oklahoma). I began teaching 2002. Back then, there were no cell phones and using a paddle as corporal punishment was widely used. When cell phones appeared, they took away the paddle and it all went to hell.

  6. I hear and see ads all over the nation for cities, scrambling to hire school teachers it’s going to get worse

    1. They are looking for bi-lingual teachers due to the influx of illegals.

  7. Is it them again Yogi??

  8. I had to go to court to get my SSD. even there, the clown from SSD wanted me to "take a job" teaching
    in a north philly high school (?) they figured since I was ex military and used to pushing troops and the schooling I did afterwards I be "just right fit" for either north philly high or
    West philly high schools. yeah, right. if I didn't get shot the first day, I sure would be shot by the second day there. a grain of rice in a bucket of coal !
    thought I was fucked again as the judge was getting madder by the minute.
    turns out she was pissed at them for fucking me around for 3 goddamn years.
    so, after I done empty the 401k and saving account. they pay me. then I get fucked by the IRS assholes. so, yeah. I understand why she said fuck it and left. dave in pa.

  9. Hired a good guy, with a Masters in Special Ed, to perform technical inspections of airplane parts. He too was frustrated by lack of support from worthless, indifferent, overpaid School Administrators. He warned them that if was beat up one more time, he would quit. He quit two days later. He took about a 20K cut in pay but swore it was worth it. In his new job he went home happy every day, knowing what he was greatly appreciated and highly respected. Unlike his Teaching job, at the end of every shift he went home with a smile on his face, knowing what he did that day made a difference.

  10. Just put them all in prison a lot of criminal behavior in the future. They can do what the want in jail,...

  11. The process is simple. Ignore the violence until the education system is crippled from the lack of teachers. Declare it dead. Replace it with a system where attendance isn't required beyond grade school. That leaves a large segment of the populace open to easy indoctrination. The poor will be taught to read, write, and do basic math. Enough education to be usable workers, but not enough to realize their real situation. The wealthy and well connected will enjoy a private education for their children. They, and their children, will rule. Don't think this is a simple problem, it's complex and planned. For those thinking that 1776 part 2 is right around the corner, think again. Those who were leaders in 1776 were well educated. Guess who's well educated and leading today? It isn't the sock puppets in office. As is true in ll things, follow the money.

    1. "The poor will be taught to read, write, and do basic math." If possible, that would be a massive improvement. My wife retired last year from an inner city middle school (hispanic majority).

  12. My youngest daughter is a special ed teacher. She taught seven years in Title 1 schools to get her loans taken care of. That last year, with a class of eleven autistic first grade boys each with his own lawyer almost made her quit. Instead, she went over seas to a private school in Brussels where she learned to like Béarnaise sauce on her school lunch steaks. She tried the US again in Arlington, Virginia. The school has become untenable in the six years she's been there, just five miles from the Washington Monument. She starts a job in Copenhagen this August.


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