
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Tennessee U.S. Senators Blackburn, Hagerty React to Indictment of Former President Trump

U.S. Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Bill Hagerty (R-TN) both accused the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) of being “two tiered” after it was revealed that former President Donald Trump had been indicted following the FBI’s seizure of materials from his Mar-a-Lago estate last August.


  1. Ooooh they'll write a sternly worded letter, I'm sure.

    1. At least they're not celebrating it like other politicians are. What about yours?

    2. What you expect. My comments about this whole thing have been removed and I’m banned from NextDoor for 7 days. My Congressman is Ted Lieu so what can I expect?

      All I say is that Hillary not only had classified documents, she put em on her home server with full internet access. But no prosecution. But Trump, former President, has copies of documents in storage at a home guarded by Secret Service. And gets prosecuted.

      Who is buying this equal justice BS anymore? But we still can’t talk about it.

    3. I feel ya. It's a double standard for sure. Actually it's worse because the Clintons got away with way more shit while rubbing our noses in it.

    4. Not to mention the fact that Hill destroyed evidence under subpoena. You know, the BleachBit, the hammer to the cell phone.

    5. So if your son or grandson wants to join up, what is he risking his life for? I’m really having trouble with that now. The guys wearing women’s uniforms was bad, ok. The dick operations was worse. And so on. But I always thought there was a core country to fight for. No more.

  2. Each and every one of those in Congress will use this event for personal gain. Each and every one of them will use Trump and campaign to raise money for their reelection and not one of them will do a lift a finger to help him.

    Fuck them all.

  3. Congress holds the purse, Cut the damn budget for the agencies. It’s really not that complicated. But we are talking pussy republicans/conservative chucks. Yes they like to write letters, never really accomplish much at all. It’s a wild ass party in DC, and you are not invited. Fuckers need to swing by the neck till dead.


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