
Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The End of Europe

On June 8, the picturesque city of Annecy, nicknamed “the Pearl of the French Alps,” was convulsed with terror when a knife-wielding man attacked a group of preschool children in a park, at least one of whom was sat strapped into a pram. Four children and two adults were seriously injured. The attack, which was partially filmed by bystanders, horrified France—and the world. The attacker was a Syrian asylum seeker.

In recent years, France has seen a number of attacks by migrants, but to call them “attacks” minimizes the nature of the brutality involved. People aren’t just physically assaulted in the sense most Europeans are familiar with: a punch, a kick, or a push. They are stabbed repeatedly without warning or mercy. They’re run over at high speed while walking on the sidewalk. Some are even beheaded in public. In October of 2020, a French secondary school teacher by the name of Samuel Paty had his head chopped off on the streets of Éragny-sur-Oise, a Parisian suburb. The Chechen attacker in that case was an Islamic extremist called Abdoullakh Abouyezidovich Anzorov. He attacked Paty with a meat cleaver.


  1. It'll be interesting to find out if they're the "Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys" and die out or fight back and correct to historical norms.

    Might be difficult to find out after the big flashbulbs go off and the problems here take precedence.

  2. well, I guess they wouldn't mind seeing a bunch of GI's beating the shit out of them now ?
    something that used to happen quite often in West Berlin back in the late 1970's
    we called them "turks" as they where all about the same. one thing the "turks" used to do was beat up and rob drunk GI's. and then we would go "hunting" for them as payback.
    most of the time, the west German cops stood by and did nothing. dave in pa.

    1. Yeah, it was 'Turks' in Heilbronn where I was stationed.

    2. yeah, it was advance knife fighting class a few times with the fuckers. still carry the scars from back then. you would think the Germans would have learned not to let them in by now? they are nothing but trouble really. dave in pa.

    3. The West German government imported a ton of Turks after the war for labor.
      Certainly nothing nefarious was meant by importing a bunch of non-Europeans to a European country…

  3. Maybe when the flag of the caliphate flys over the smoking ruins of the Eiffel tower, and the paintings from the Louvre are doused in gas and set ablaze, the French, and the rest of Europe will realize they've lost.

  4. Europe has some real stupid, asshole governments. Time for another French revolution.

  5. That shit will be common here in the FUSA soon enough guys. the FUSA Orcs will do nothing to stop them, but will sure a shit stop the heritage white american from defending himself. Hunting season is fast approaching. Spicy times coming bitches, real spicy.

  6. Talking of stupid arse governments.
    We're no better in England, another general election next year, the sheep will go out and by the million vote for the Uniparty once again and, just as its been for all of my life, will wonder why they ended up with the same result.
    We're a basket case now.


  7. Does no one learn from history? The US bought over a lot of slaves and now that 13% of the population is destroying Amerika!


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