
Thursday, June 01, 2023

Think folks are getting tired of that shit?

A transgender teacher's Pride flag was burned at a Los Angeles elementary school where furious parents have vowed to boycott an LGBT event. 

An intruder broke into Saticoy Elementary School in North Hollywood over the weekend and set the flag on fire.


  1. Get one of those flags and attach it to your bumper. Drive about town. We can't drag the fags (yet) but we can drag the flag.

  2. Burning the American flag is "protected" speech. Burning a pride flag is treated as "hate" speech. This is wrong.

  3. That one just stinks of hoax. Every time we see these things, it turns out to be a Juicy or Bubba.

  4. I really try to avoid hate, of any kind. I don't want to either be hateful or to encourage others to be hateful, in word, thoughts, or deeds. There is a huge difference between hate and unacceptance, however. I don't have to hate a gay person, or a transgender person, to not accept them promoting their sexuality in a 3rd grade classroom. It is no different than promoting a heterosexual lifestyle in a 3rd grade classroom.
    I like to think that everyone agrees that any discussion or promotion via example of sexuality in a 3rd grade classroom is just outrageous, and has no place in either public or private classroom.
    That someone broke into the school, yet alone burned the rainbow flag, is simply unacceptable. Consider if it were a Don't Tread on Me flag, or a Confederate flag. I think that we all would also condemn that as well. The threat of such an action is obvious, it is implying violence, in a way and it should not have a place in a discussion like this, especially one that involves young kids, who while they seem to be oblivious are really not, but have eyes and ears, and brains that know what is going on, and recognize when violence is taking place, and could assume that it is a tactic that is acceptable.
    I do get how the families of the kids are pissed. They like most of the people who have kids in school, have had enough of the woke bullshit, and the leftists pushing their agenda of trying to force our once proud nation into a nation filled with "pride". The thing is, I doubt that you would find 1 person in the parents of that school who have a problem with gays or even transgender people, as individuals. The thing that they have a problem with is the agenda being forced onto their children, in a 3rd grade classroom. It is one thing for a city to allow a group to have a gay pride float in a parade, and a completely different thing to have a celebration of LGBT!+++ in an elementary school.
    I say this about gay pride floats, because my city of Muskegon, MI, a city of around 40,000 on the shore of Lake Michigan started a pride festival last year, and this year, plans to have the first parade in conjunction with the festival, with the parade to happen on June 3rd. I don't really care, since I don't go downtown during the time this is happening, actually I seldom go downtown at all.
    The biggest problem I have with gay parades in general is that from my experience is that they seem to feel like it is acceptable to have a very sexual, even naked, tone to them. Which in a private setting might be fine, in an open air, public forum seems to be shall we say, illegal. I mean if a couple of the people who walk the parade drive from the finish line and head to a restaurant or to Walmart, and enter, wearing the same thing that they wore, or didn't wear, they likely would be either thrown out or arrested.
    My wife and I went on a trip for our 30th anniversary to Provincetown, MA, a few days after their gay pride festival. There were still a lot of hangers on still there, and it was almost funny to see the stereotypes of gay people there, who seemed to not think they were stereotypes, but that looked like they actually lived that way. Flaming gay colors, rainbow flags, hair flowing with dye jobs of all types, strange clothes, you name it, we saw it. My wife had wanted to see Martha's Vinyard and Cape Cod her whole life, and there was a bus trip that our local tour group was running, in June, although our anniversary is in September, so we went. She enjoyed the trip, and I must admit, some of the art that I saw was quite neat. I mostly loved seeing the views on the road as we drove by. America is a very beautiful place, that we often forget.

    1. Your enemies are full of hatred. Choose a side.

    2. I have already "chosen a side". I am a conservative Constitutional believing patriot. I know where I have drawn the line for myself, and I don't tell others where to draw theirs. Individual freedom and all that, you know. The founding fathers sort of felt strongly about that. If a second civil war were to break out, nobody would win, other than perhaps the CCP and the Russian Federation.

  5. This pathetic pandering to the fag ideology will expose the millions of "ordinary" straight Americans who want to feel good by making nice with the indoctrination demonstrations by clapping at drag shows just like the Jews wanted to make nice by doing the Nazi salute during Hitler's speeches

  6. You will know when folks really get tired of this shit. The mentally ill groomers will be seen hanging from overpasses by their necks.

    1. Seems a little over due for that at the moment…

  7. The flag was the size of a post card . according to NBC News report.


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