
Monday, June 05, 2023

To Address The Loneliness Epidemic, The Feds Want To Control Your Town And Friends

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy recently released an advisory titled “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation.” It warns that social isolation is a major public health problem. The 81-page document presents six government-directed “pillars” of action to address the health hazards of social isolation.

On the surface, these six directives may look innocuous, but they present a clear and present danger to the autonomy of our private lives and relationships. The project is potentially so massive in scope that it’s not an overstatement to say it threatens to regulate our freedom of association in ways we never could have imagined.

Let’s look in greater depth at those pillars and the risks they pose.


  1. The feds didn’t learn anything by the decision overturning Roe v. Wade. The federal government does not have the power to do anything unless there is a constitutional basis for it. Everything else is delegated to the states or the people.

    1. Lmao you still believe in the supreme court

  2. Who thinks up this bullshit 1984 doublespeak lingo anyway? My cold dead hands etc, etc.

    1. What are you talking about?

    2. What am I talking about?

    3. He’s referencing the 2000 NRA speech by Charlton Heston, “From My Cold Dead Hands!” And you obviously aren’t from these parts if you’re asking.

    4. No, I caught that. I was wondering about the etc. etc. He makes it sound like the article was full of 1984 doublespeak instead of just one tired old cliche.

  3. If it wasn't for the fucking government, we would be much, much happier! But, NO! It has to keep growing like a cancer, getting in every aspect of our daily lives, feeding like the giant leech it truly has become!

  4. With my mouth, they'd isolate me within 2 minutes because of the nuclear butthurt I'd inflict.

    1. That’s the first time I’ve heard of a “nuclear butthurt”, sounds a little kinky.

  5. Dudes! IMHO you-all are missing the point. Thanks to the f*ckin' Internet, people are totally isolating themselves and getting depressed big time.

    1. Shit, I didn't need the internet to help me self isolate.

  6. Life gets pretty lonely when the government does not allow people to communicate with people that don't follow the government controlled narrative. "Wow, there are people out there that think the same thing I do?"

  7. Two words for the government officials pushing this: Nicolae Ceausescu

    1. Don't leave Mrs. Ceaușescu out of the equation. Heh.

    2. Word. Right up to the point when they were stood against a wall and shot he shouted repeatedly, "You can't do this! I'm in charge!" His wife kept asking why it was being done because, "We have done everything for you!" Some people are so stupid a bullet is the only way to get the point across that they're wrong.

    3. Yep , she got whacked as well .

  8. "The first stated goal is to “strengthen social infrastructure in local communities.” "
    Fuck off, you don't belong in our local communities.

    "The advisory recognizes that overuse of the internet and social media can drive people deeper into social isolation."
    Only because your government controlled schools don't actually teach them well. Nor did it teach their parents.

    "the goal of creating “safe” environments"
    Fuck off. No one learns how to behave in society in a 'safe' environment.

  9. When fedgov says they want to 'help' people, they don't mean to help in the way they want you to think.
    Indeed, history shows again and again they mean the exact opposite.

    Think of this as opportunity to add more names to your lists. And any elected or appointed gov goon who encourages this - or doesn't act against it - should not be pushed into retirement but into the grave.

  10. Some sob trying to show he’s smart.
    He is ‘t.
    And I don’t care about his Opinion.

  11. "[g]overnment policies are largely to blame for family breakdown, welfare dependency, urban blight, attacks on free speech, attacks on privacy, and countless other developments that result in an acute sense of isolation and polarization."

    Truer words have never been spoken.

  12. Social isolation is what keeps me sane. I go out to shop for groceries or local farm stores. Love the amazon shit. I've a locked gate where they leave the packages so I don't have to talk to them either. Last few days I've been bush hoggin. My dog trotting along side, maybe thirty or forty egrets eating bugs. Great company. Course I spend time with the cows and chickens too. Fuck a bunch a people. I don't dislike them I just don't want to be around them.

  13. "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."

  14. “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation.”
    This is suddenly a concern for them? These are the same assholes that wouldn't let me step out of my house a few years ago unless I was wearing my face diaper disguise.

  15. I live alone 16 miles from town. My friends know not to show up at my house unannounced.
    When I want to be around people I go to town or to a friend's house. All my friends live outside of town and guard their privacy as much as I do. It's entirely my choice whether or not I'm going to be around people.
    I'm very comfortable with myself and I don't understand people who are afraid to be alone.
    Some people think aloneness and loneliness are the same thing. Anyone who thinks they can interfere in my aloneness can fuck off.

  16. I'll boil it down a bit "we need to find a way to force those people who aren't on social media to be on social media. we will make it impossible for them to operate in daily life without it. people who aren't on social media make it really hard for our intelligence gathering operations to keep track of everyone"

    1. That's the real reason, just a backward intelligence gathering scheme!!

  17. "the health hazards of social isolation." are nothing to the the health hazards of intruding on my antisocial isolation.

  18. I told my wife early in our "courtship" that she was the only person I'd ever met who, being with her, wasn't worse than being by myself. She said, "Thanks, I guess." I still feel the same after almost forty-nine years. My son once asked if I'd get married again if my wife died. I replied, "Being a hermit was always Plan B." I fear the organization of a nursing home. Just leave me the hell alone.

  19. Did they forget that the government told people for several years that it was life threatening to have contact with other people during Covid?


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