
Monday, June 19, 2023

When will you have to start paying your student loans again?

(NEXSTAR) – While federal student loan borrowers are still in a bit of limbo as the Supreme Court continues mulling President Joe Biden’s debt relief plan, the Department of Education has offered a bit of clarification regarding impending payments.


Just pay your fucking debts. You went into the hole on your own, pull yourself out.


  1. Paid back my loan. When I applied for a mortgage, job or car loan there were questions about my student loan, it had to be paid to go on with my life. What happened? How can tens of thousands of people go on with their lives with this debt, with no responsibility to pay it back & banks just keep loaning them more and more money. I borrowed money - I paid it back. We all have to know, us taxpayers (and there aren't that many of us anymore) will be picking up the tab. Libs going through (someone elses) money like drunken sailors.

    1. Come now, jwj. I am former USN, and it is well known that drunken sailors spend their money responsibly on necessities such as booze, broads and gambling.

    2. 👍Right on, Shipmate!

    3. Not all of the USN spend their money on the booze, broads and gambling, it is socked away to face another libturd idea.

    4. And as has been said before, Sailors were spending their own money, and when they ran out of money, they quit spending.

    5. I'll have you know, sailors stop spending when they run out of money.

    6. "Libs going through (someone else's) money like drunken sailors."

      Technically, it's not "someone else's money". It's money printed by .gov because, with all of the welfare programs that they've lauded on the country for the last 100+ years, of which student loans is one of many, i.e. giving money to unfunded unconstitutional programs, .gov can't collect enough in taxes to fund it all so they have to print more.


  2. Not only did they sign on the dotted line but they chose to receive degrees that are absolutly worthless. Womens Studies or Gender Studies for instance. How you gonna generate revenue with a lame assed degree in that shit. Fuck em.

  3. That's the thing, I don't have to pay anything back.

    Taxpayers pay for everything because I believed the lies and invaded someone else's country on their dime while helping Bush and co enrich themselves with public money. (Ukraine is the next pig for slaughter.) Once my benefits are exhausted, I intend to take my degree to a civilized, white country that doesn't act like two hobos fighting over a dumpster fire.

    IMHO, college is merely gate-keeping and It shouldn't matter if someone got their knowledge from an ivy-league school or a public library; if they can pass industry standard testing then they are qualified for the position. Every profession that genuinely requires a secondary education already has its own industry testing and licensing.

    Concerning other the debts of others, a lot of people have paid back the principle several times over and are in more debt than ever before because of the usury interest. The colleges have been paid, the banks already got their principle of fictitious digi-dollars back; all that's left is a ball-chain on the feet of the new generation of debt cattle and a national security risk. Student debt wouldn't be an issue if the United States actually spent its tax dollars on its own people rather than sending several hundred billion to Ukraine, 40+ billion Israel (annually), billions more to countries that hate us, and exporting war and bombs over the last century to any country that disagrees with us.

    The USA really needs to get with the times, figure out how to unite as one people again, with one culture, one language, and kick out the parasites. Adopt the Visegrád education model would be a fine start to fixing the problem that is college debt enslavement.

    IMHO, throw it on the national debt, we are defaulting within a few years anyway so it isn't going to make any difference.


  4. A classic example of a symbiotic relationship. The more the Democrat party controlled government gives working taxpayer money to these climate change majors with a minor in transgender studies the more they control the way they vote.

  5. I didn't borrow a cent for college. Scholarships and working part time produced a B.S. in four years with zero debt. Spouse also working part time earned her B.S in three with zero debt. Cheap-ass, lazy fucking people - pay your debts!

  6. My daughter took out the absolute minimum loans needed to get her degree. We weren't in a financial position to help much, though we did get her a credit card for incidentals which we paid off. When she graduated, she worked crappy jobs for a couple of years to pay them off. I'd pick her up from work and she would almost be in tears, she hated her job that much. Paid them off and went on to do the work she wanted to in the first place.

    1. Started investing for my son's education when he was born.
      Between that & a small scholarship, no student loan needed.
      He was able to buy a home before he turned 30.

  7. Every kid I knew worked while in college. XMAS and at the time Easter break they worked. All had summer jobs. My kid slung pizza at Pizza Hut while getting her BA. Aint a damn thing wrong with working for what you get.

  8. I worked and went to college. It took me 7 years and a few loans. I worked and went to med school. It took me five years and another loan. I joined the Navy, took part in Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Operation Support/Defend Democracy, Operation Deny Flight, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and anti-piracy ops in Somalia. I paid my loans off with a little, but not complete help from the Navy and retired in 2010. These kids today that expect free rides for useless degrees make me sick. My boys didn't see college in their future. One os a merchant marine sailor and one is a machinist. Both are doing better than I did at their age and they have almost guranteed employment for the rest of their careers.

    1. One grand child just graduated with honors. The other, tenth grade, is also an honor student. I've suggested they learn a trade of some kind and stay away from college. The one that graduated has no college plans but already has a business online that she does well with. I hate to see kids go to indoctrination camps nowadays.

    2. Good for you! I wish them luck!

  9. a couple of nasty facts about this scam.
    "only" $20k is repaid. if you owe more, YOU have to repay it.
    it's only for under grad loans. if you thought it would pay for your masters, you are wrong.
    while your repayment was defered, the interest on the loan kept being added on. and because of the policy of compounding interest, when payment restarts you will be paying interest on the interest. your debt owed will likely be much larger than when you stopped paying.
    still thing Biden is doing you a favor and helping you out??

  10. Yeah, God forbid some money get spent on American citizens instead of enriching a Ukrainian dictator! Hell, don't even spend money, just declare the debt invalid!

    1. Anon@9:03: The government doesn't have the power to interfere in private debts. Are advocating for even more gov't control?
