
Monday, July 24, 2023

13 AGs Put Corporations On Notice After Affirmative-Action Ruling: No More Racial Discrimination

Following the Supreme Court ruling against affirmative-action programs, 13 state attorneys general sent a letter to all Fortune 100 companies to put them on notice that racial discrimination is not only wrong but illegal. 

The AGs’ rationale is simple: Discrimination on the basis of skin color is habitual among America’s largest companies, but under both state and federal law, it is also illegal.


What's  good for the goose is good for the gander, right?
I'm glad to see that the Tennessee AG is one of them.


  1. I would love to print this out and send it,certified mail, to all district managers and the new CEO of Ahold/ Delhaize. They are among the worst offenders out there today! It is the reason why I walked away after 8 productive years busting my tail for them.

    A Concerned White Male

  2. I'm not sure the state AG will get the desired effect, nor that the AG is the proper office. The state legislators is at the core. Without legislation, the AG is dead in the water.

    IANAL but that shouldn't be neccessary. Knowing the finer details of the law is neccessary when end run shennaigans, aka deceitful practices come into play.

    Now watch as district courts cite lack of standing and dismiss whatever defense the states put up. Lawsuits and motions are being written as we speak.

  3. There are currently 26 states led by supposed Republican governors. (mine is led by a RINO). Gotta ask yourself why there aren't 26 signatures on that letter.(I answered my question about my state).


    1. Memo, I wondered that too. Then I remembered the suit led by TX and 22 other states regarding the 2020 stolen election.


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