
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

At least it's not Tennessee any more

Many Californians seem to think that things are bigger and better in Texas, according to a new report from Storage Café. 

The exodus of Californians moving to Texas has continued to pick up steam, with a record number of Golden State residents leaving California for the Lone Star state in 2021.


I was laughing as I typed out the caption seeing as I came from the Central Valley, but I'm glad I moved here right before the Great Migration started.

Around here, it's not Californians that's moving in, it's New Yorkers. Seems like I see those license plates more than any other State.

There's folks moving in from other regions too. Just last week I saw a black guy in his 50s wearing a T-shirt with 'Chicago Bred' printed across the front. 
Way to blend in, dude. Not only did you settle in a town with only 19 other black folks, but you're bragging on being from a shithole city.


  1. yeah, seeing a lot of out of state plates around the hills of pa too these days.
    a lot more than I like really. and the land and house prices are going thru the roof with them
    as well. used to e able to get good land for under 2-4 grand a acre about 10 years ago.
    now, looks like 20 and up for good land these days. and small 2 bedroom, one bath homes/cabins are over 100 grand and up ! one place, granted it is very nice, but 230 grand for 1 bedroom and 2 baths ? on 1 acre with a 2 car garage ? dave in pa.

  2. We are seeing lots of "new immigrants" from California, Illinois, NY along with the regulars (OH,MI,IN) who've been moving here for decades. There's one guy who frequents my neighborhood with Tenn tags but, a big fat red O sticker in the back glass. Buckeyes like to let you know where they hail from. Sorry if that offends anyone but, if the shoe fits....


    1. Bayouwulf, please allow me to offer a thoughtful yet more accurate descriptive term. These are NOT immigrants, they are "Common Bed Shitters". As the term is pretty much self explanatory, these parasites vote for, accommodate, and tolerate the communist government overreach, crime, crazy high taxes, and police state antics to the point that they have literally shit in their beds to the point that they can no longer lay in them. Now they want to come to the beautiful, conservative, and great state of Tennessee to fuck it up just like the state they are fleeing from. If it was up to me, they would all (with exceptions for military) pay a $50,000 per person "Affliction Fee" and surrender their right to vote in ANY election for 10 years before they could become a legal resident of the beautiful & great state of Tennessee.

    2. Anonymous @ 11:06 AM -
      You do realize that the host of the blog you're currently reading moved to Tennessee from California about 7 tears ago, don't you?

    3. It's cool, Elmo. I'm just glad we apparently live in different parts of Tennessee. Where I'm at, a man is judged by his character and nothing else.


  4. Like cancer, malignant cells move into a healthy part of the body and replicate until it kills it's host.

  5. It is about equal with California and New Yorkers invading Atlanta. A close third is the Massholes.

    1. White Californians and New Yorkers moving into the city, fucking up long-established "nabes" with their ultra-white ultra-Leftist chickenshittery, causing the black residents of said "nabes" to move to the suburbs and fuck them up with their ultra-black ultra-Left asshattery.

      I was born in Atlanta, raised in Riverdale, and lived there all my days until age 51 (2013), and tttok my family and moved to Florida to get away from the chickenshits and asshats.

  6. Like cancer, malignant cells move into a healthy part of the body and replicate until it kills the host.

  7. Ten years ago this month I retired for the second time and we moved from Dallas, Texas to a nice small town near San Antonio with a 10,000 population, a real nice place in the Texas Hill Country, one of the finest places to live. Now ten years later the town has over 20,000 people with a school system that has 10,000 students. Living in Texas has advantages, especially for us older folk who have our property taxes capped to a degree when we turn 65 years old, this helps when the value of our home is about twice what it was ten years ago and little town has some intersections with long, for Texas, traffic jams certain times of the day. We have a nice little town with a lot of great things however we already have enough Californians along with their expensive super expensive cars blocking up the roads next to our pickup trucks. We like our little old conservative, settled by Germans in the post civil war 1800's, town that has a lot of churches and one of the oldest gun ranges in continuous use since 1864. Lots of other gun ranges in less than one hour from us and lots and lots of gun stores in the area. We don't need to be enlightened by Californians because we already see the light so, there's that, we probably have enough people and Austin, 90 miles away would like to have more commie Californians so just pass on by us all in the Hill Country and leave us be.

  8. They're pouring in here too. Western North Carolina has become another Liberal Democrat voters from NY, NJ Conn, Mich, Illinois magnet.

  9. I always thought it was the most brain dead thing a texas governor could do was try to attract businesses from the coasts. What happens is they bring their commie/socialist workers with them and start pissing on the place. Austin and Dallas are case in point. So now the governor is close to be voted out just because he wanted to stroke his ego by luring businesses away from the coasts.

  10. Tiny rural town here in SE, nearest city of decent size 40 miles or so away. We have been inundated with a plethora of transplants from NY, NJ, Wash state, Connecticut, CA, MD and more. All this in a town well under 3K and county about 20K (large sprawling rural county). They arrive with substantial funds from property sales in leftist states and in about 6-7 years have driven land costs to double or triple. Property tax increases of course follow. Some come to escape ugliness, others bring the ugly with them. They are quiet for a bit, but the leftist ugly always comes out eventually. Complaints about the weather, bugs, the sounds of freedom from firearms and tannerite fans, dogs, roosters, "the gov needs to something" gang, etc etc etc. I wish many had just stayed in the backyard they shit in rather than come here and shit in a new one. To be fair, some came for the right reasons and assimilate well, but I am not sure it is an even offset.

  11. Once again living in the Northernmost state has its advantages. Covid barely touched us. Californians usually leave after one winter. And the slimy hand of government rests pretty light.

  12. I might end up in Tennessee as I dont think I can afford to retire here in Paradise on Social Security alone. If I had one of those fancy 'wake boats' I could have my new 'Volunteer State GF' drive the boat while I wake surf. I can sell my condo here in Honolulu & be able to buy a full on house in the Volunteer State. Plus I can hunt, fish, wake surf & live like a king compared to Honolulu. The median price for a house in Honolulu is 980K. In Tennessee its 377K. I can get a fricken mansion near a lake & take Kenny out for a burger on his birthday!

  13. On the out-of-state license plates, Alaska has a law that requires you to change your registration within 30 days of moving here. Enforcement….. is another issue.

  14. Had someone from Tennessee move in across the street one October a few years ago. Come March they were packing up and going back home. Said they'd never been so cold and so sick in their lives. Montana did not agree with them. For the record, we tend to get more people from snowy states, west of Illinois with some bouncing back from Washington or Oregon. Californians when seen tend to be apologetic while saying they are not one of "those" Californians.

    I saw the writing on the wall and moved back to Montana 18 years ago. The amusing thing was how surly people at the DMV were, even then, as I changed my California DL to one from Montana. When I mentioned I could go up to the courthouse to get a copy of my birth certificate there was a 180 degree change in attitude. Now I was a local boy who'd repented.

    1. I had a friend that was born and raised in Libby, Montana. He was a timber faller who followed the work wherever it led him. His pickup was plated in California, his travel trailer was plated in Idaho and his wife's pickup was plated in Oregon. On one of his trips home he stopped at the local Stihl dealer to pick up some saw parts and when the new owner of the shop saw his pickup's license (CA) he told Russ to take his business elsewhere. Russ, born and raised in Libby, was told to get lost. He was not happy, and spread the word amongst his many, many friends.

      The guy didn't remain in business long, probably as much because he was a raging asshole as the fact that he was a judgmental prick.

  15. One of the reasons I rarely object to the occasional slur-against-Kentucky meme - you know... Toothless banjo pickers, meth heads etc. - is that folks fleeing from leftist enclaves tend to pass us by and move on to points further south. I'm a Kentucky native and I love it here. So I'm okay with that.

    1. Same sentiments from another southern state (which will remain nameless), but I think this oversite is about to end.

  16. Already been seeing it - the growth where I live on the west bound end of I-10 headed out of San Antonio has been insane, especially the last 10 years.
    Looking to move again in the next year-getting too crowded again.


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