
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Commentary: Societies That Surrender Moral Foundation Historically Self-Destruct

Despite its origins in the historic Stonewall Riots of 1969, “Pride Month,” which concluded last week, has devolved into a manifestation of moral decay in 2023. 

The proliferation of the transgenderism movement, fueled by Marxist ideologies, within our public education system is concerning enough. However, the decision to dedicate an entire month to celebrate moral degradation is a step too far. While I am not advanced in years, I never envisioned a day where transvestites would lecture us on human biology, or sterilizers would pose as health professionals advocating for human rights. It seems that our nation has descended into a state of utter madness, where men can now claim pregnancy and the number of genders rivals the alphabet.


  1. It is truly amazing what you can do when you control the media.

  2. The problem at Stonewall is that the cops didn't bash enough heads. Now look where we are 50+ years later.

    "We're here, we're queer and we're coming for your children"

    Drag queen story hours at local libraries and naked men and women parading in the streets with children present(although i put that on the parents for not having the sense to keep the kids at home) along with a whole host of other aberrant behavior. Then .gov got psychiatrists to define being queer as normal and the Demonrats pander to them as a "protected class", even though these people(I use that term loosely) represent <2% of the population and the Demonrats continue to really do nothing for them. Just like they do nothing for black people, except beg for their vote every two years, while giving them nothing except empty promises and bucketfuls of lies in return.

    Why we continue to allow the tail to wag the dog is beyond my feeble ability to comprehend. Disney, along with Target, Budweiser and others, is finding out it's not profitable to piss off a majority of the rest of the population.

    Bud Light, the former #1 selling beer brand, is now not even in the top 10. Disney's theme parks are recently reported to be nearly empty during their supposed busiest time of year along with their movies bombing at the box office. Sucks to be them. These CEO's are still thinking this will blow over(no pun intended ;-)). It isn't.

    Boycotts and ridiculing memes are the way to win and it seems to be working.

    Dylan Mulvaney, the final straw that sparked a massive backlash, has reportedly fled the country seeking more "secure" living arrangements in S. America.

    Ahhh, reverse migration. Now if we could get the actual illegals to follow him, that would be a huge win.


    1. @Anonymous (Nemo) July 12, 2023 at 1:37 PM

      "Why we continue to allow the tail to wag the dog is beyond my feeble ability to comprehend."

      We allow men that brag about the bad feelz it gives them, to do what they (themselves say they) know is evil, to self-identify as the epitome of honor. They do "their duty". They lick the pedestal of "the rule of law". They "man up". We watch over them, while they sleep.

  3. Read Return of the gods by Jonathan Cahn.

    1. Word. Very good analysis. But, I was hoping for some Deus ex Machina event on the anniversary of Stonewall. Still waiting. Still praying.

  4. There are more than 130 gender, sexual orientation and pronoun options listed on the San Francisco’s Guaranteed Income For Transgender People (GIFT) program application. :

    1. There may as well be 130 billion cause all of it is a bald faced lie.


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