
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Biden Scandal Questions Go Down the Latrine Jean-Pierre

White House briefings in the Biden years are often sleepy meetings compared to the Jim Acosta shriek-fests we remember under Trump. Joe Biden pledged he would be so much nicer to the press corps. He promised to “bring transparency and truth back to the government.” But the press is much nicer to him than the other way around.


  1. Another blowjob at taxpayers expense.

  2. Used "go down" & Latrine Jean-Pierre in the same sentence. Well done!
    - WDS

  3. I have to laugh every time I see scarlet mop head on the news double down on stupid every time she gets asked a semi tough question. Then when she can't stand the heat, they trot out Chief propagandist Kirby to further the stupid, like someone appearing in an admiral's uniform is going to make the lies more believable.



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