
Friday, July 14, 2023

Biden’s Army Secretary Doesn’t Want 2nd Gen Military Recruits for Fear of a “Warrior Caste”

Army Secretary Christine Wormuth, who got her start as a Clinton intern, has a lot of thoughts on the military.

Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said she expects within weeks to begin drafting a proposal for a recruiting overhaul so sweeping that Congress might need to pass legislation to enact all of it.

Depending too much on military families could create a “warrior caste,” Wormuth said. Her plans seek to draw in people who have no real connection to the military and to broaden the appeal of service.


  1. I guess future of the warrior caste military family’s existence is not required in the Inclusive, Diverse, Equity paradise the Democrats are creating. Apparently it's time to subscribe to Babbel Mandarin language lessons

  2. The generational recruits from the south that has historically filled the ranks for the Army and Marines need to boycott all service. Let them fill the ranks with people who have no familial history with service. Let's see what happens to our military when that happens.

    1. The generational recruits from the South are boycotting service. It's why recruitment is down across the board for all services.

    2. This. I'm from one of those families. And I made sure that neither of my son's nor any of my daughters enlisted, and I have talked my son-in-laws out of doing so. We also work with the youth at our church, in a military town, and I have given several of them second thoughts. Some enlisted anyway, but at least as many have walked away.

    3. If southren boys do not enlist they will never win.

    4. What was the last war we "won"?

    5. The last war we were allowed to completely win: Granada, 1983. We rescued our college students, removed the commies from power, and handed power over to people that could keep it.

      Since then, we've won in Kosovo, Iraq twice, and Afghanistan, but weren't allowed to finish destroying our enemies and pick who got to move into the depopulated country.

  3. Our "government" has the joystick jammed against the firewall with the plane in a full-power dive into terra firma... It won't be long now...

  4. She needn't worry. Many vets aren't recommending their children to join.

  5. In other words, they don't want people from families where patriotism runs deep.

  6. Heaven forbid we should continue a proud tradition of military service.

  7. Its the Bud Lite of recruiting strategies

  8. just which branch did she serve?

  9. From my 6X Great-grandfather Casper Durst (1775) to my cousin Mindy (capt. Army nurse, Baghdad, 2005) covers 230 years spread over 4 centuries. Fuck Joe Biden and all his appointees.

  10. Are they stupid or are they evil? And how on Earth did someone like that become Secretary of the Army?

    1. I have to presume that her fellow catets at West Point understood the rules and why they were applied evenly, across the board, for everyone, and she didn't.

    2. Po lick clital hack

    3. Stupid or evil?
      Embrace the power of “and”…


  11. Being from the South my family has a long multi generational service history. That has now ended with my sons, they agree with me our family will no longer serve tyrants, so mu grand kids will find other careers now. But that's what they want all along, woke scum and now illegals looking for citizenship who WILL turn their guns on Americans.

  12. The "warrior caste" will still be of value, just not for their team.

  13. I'm only 3rd generation American, but all three served. That ended with my generation, none of our kids are enlisting and our grandkids will probably see the draft reinstated.

  14. 69th Intersectional Dildo Brigade, here we come. On the bright side, .gov forces won't have a chance against an armed citizenry especially after the patriots within desert and sabotage operations.

  15. My grandson must be in trouble. He is a 5th generation Army soldier. His sister declined to apply to the Naval Academy - to woke for her taste. Honor student, High School NROTC Lt Commander with several advocates.

  16. This military is set up for an epic, crushing defeat at the hands of its next opponent. It does not really matter if it is Russia, China, Iran, or a coalition. It will be shocking to the World just as the French defeat in 1940 was.

  17. Well, good news, I wouldn't let my kids join the military now. And I was a 5th generation soldier.


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