
Friday, July 14, 2023


I could tell you that you will never get Donald Trump through the Republican Convention, that all of the money is for DeSantis and the rules are being re-written at the state GOPs to get rid of Trump during the primary for DeSantis, but most of you will not hear what I am saying.


  1. Yup. Regardless of whoever the Republican nominee is, I don’t see a way to 270 electoral votes. If Joe bows out and Newsom runs as the dem nominee, he’ll get all of the urban/suburban white women vote. Likely a lot of dumbass rural women too.

  2. desanctimonious wont set foot in the white house as a president of anything. he was picked by the cabal cause he will take a dive. but the way it looks now. donors are pulling out from his campaign fast so they can run to tim scott. and scott cant beat anyone either.

    1. Agree - It's Biden for the win in 2024 even if he is just an animated corpse or a hologram.

  3. Then, they go the way of the Whigs...

  4. It all boils down to Trump vs. The Deep State and it's not gonna have a happy ending. We've been living in a One-Party System country for years, because the political elites are critical thinking, shrewd, long game playing, focused snake oil salesmen. The general public is emotional reacting, instant gratification fueled feel good pleasure buyers. Always has been, always will be.

  5. I will only vote in the 2024 presidential election if Trump is a candidate, on the off chance that he can somehow beat the rigged election like was done in 2016. If Trump isn't on the ballot, I will more than likely not participate in the charade of the election process.

    1. I'm 100% for Trump. If the nomination process is even remotely a reflection of what the people want then Trump will win without even campaigning. This is so true that I would go so far as to question why we are even having a primary. Having said that, if Ramaswamy is the nominee I will vote for him. DeSantis can eat shit.

    2. Why have a primary? Advertising with a different budget. Also need to determine the vp candidate.

  6. I think the only salvation for us is secession - the ultimate state right that still exists.

    1. It seems like that was tried before, and it resulted in a civil war. Even if it didn't result in an actual armed conflict this time, don't think for one second that TPTB will allow it. They would likely impose sanctions, travel restrictions, etc. on the state so that it would be impossible for it to succeed on its own.

    2. The problem with a modern version of secession is that it is not such a clearly defined division like before, north vs south. Today it is city dwellers vs the rest of any given state. Unless we can wall off the cities and limit trade with them, we will have to relocate a lot of people, preferably to another country more suited to their values.

  7. The 2020 election has never been rightly settled. desantis is a wolf in a righteous Man’s wardrobe. He’ll also stab Americans in the back, wait and see.

  8. My former boss was a county RNC chairman back in 2008.
    He asked me to help him set up phones in the office.
    While I was there, I overheard the plotting and scheming to make sure that Ron Paul wouldn't get elected. It was atrocious, and quite probably illegal. They made *tons* of last-minute rule changes and stacked electors to ensure that McCain/Palin got the votes.

    Your vote doesn't count. Republicans don't give a shit about you.

    And before anyone starts frothing at the mouth, that doesn't mean Democrats give a shit about you either.

    The system is deeply corrupt and designed to prevent you from ever electing someone they don't want under the Republican name. Trump didn't "surprise" them. They allowed him to be elected.

    Now they don't want him, so he won't get elected.

    Your only chance of getting someone you want elected is to either like the Republican candidate they chose or (in a very very long shot) start voting for a 3rd-party (i.e. Constitutionalist party, libertarian party, etc...) and refuse to go back to voting Republican until the party collapses. Or just stop wasting your time by voting.

    1. RUFKM??? Sure as shit surprised Hillary! She STILL isn't over it! I would love to see a third party form with a Trump/Kennedy ticket!

    2. I am not so sure Trump didn't surprise them. When he announced his intention to run, it was too late for the RNC to change the rules in a way that he couldn't win the nomination. This time he won't be a surprise.
      On the other hand, if he was allowed to be the Republican nominee, it was because they didn't think he could beat Hillary, because the fix was in. Of course, they didn't count on him getting as many votes as he did which allowed him to beat the rigged election. I think he surprised them again in 2020 when he got even more votes, and they had to halt counting in several key states to adjust their election rigging to keep him from winning again.

    3. Trump received approx 65% of real vote in 2020 election, but after beating Hillary they were prepared. No matter how many votes Trump got the fix was in. Also note no real State challenges. The Uniparty will allow no challenges.

      Lincoln confirmed the empire of the US by using force to keep a rebellious province in line. I would say Succession would not be peacefully allowed but given state of today's military (Not your daddy's or your grand-daddy's) it may be very possible.

    4. Kennedy is a fascade.

      Hey y'all, ERJ is running.

  9. Americans will by and large do as their propagandists direct them to. Things just aren't bad enough yet, there's plenty of food and a big game on TV this weekend. Nobody's going to fight back any more effectively than a Venezuelan might, 1/2 of the people voted for this. It's not like people are even allowed to communicate if they are unhappy, since everyone still likes their free Fakebook.

  10. Sorry, I have to be the dissenting voice here. I did vote for him, and Trump did get a few things done, like the Abraham Accords, but on the big issue - the border - he did what? 400 miles?

    Yeah, he had massive opposition from the swamp, but who thinks it would be any less in another term? Add to that all the drama, all of his off-the-top-of-his-head weird remarks. He had his shot, and he blew it. If he had concentrated on the big picture, he could have accomplished something, but he had to make everything all about him, all the time.

  11. Exactly what the dems want.


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