
Friday, July 14, 2023

Reparations lawsuit for 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre dismissed by judge

An Oklahoma judge has thrown out a lawsuit seeking reparations for the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, dashing an effort to obtain some measure of legal justice by survivors of the deadly racist rampage.

Judge Caroline Wall on Friday dismissed with prejudice the lawsuit trying to force the city and others to make recompense for the destruction of the once-thriving Black district known as Greenwood.


  1. Hey! Let's try this rationale out! Maybe we'll get lucky and get some money!

    Tell ya what. You can collect...but only from someone who was an ADULT, and therefore might vaguely be held to be responsible, AT THE TIME OF THE PROBLEM. And if you've ever taken any welfare or similar payments (AFDC, child credit, EIC), no luck: you already got 'reparated'.

    1. This right here!!!
      That should be considered in all reparations cases.

    2. I've said all along that their EBT cards are their reparations.

  2. Seems I read a history of this event, and the blacks actually started the violence. Not that anyone would want to relate it that way today. But it left enough doubt in my mind that I don't have any sympathy for this event until I know the real story. Most things I read seems to skip the cause that triggered it, and just seems to say whites were jealous of black economic prosperity.

    It wasn't quite that simple ... and trm4


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