
Friday, July 28, 2023

But did he dick-slap them?

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — A Missouri man is accused of breaking into a home and standing naked over the bed of the couple that lived there, authorities said.


  1. The 'amish' seem to be everywhere.

  2. Damn that's so wrong

  3. Springfield is fairly high crime. Between white meth heads and the usual POC antics, I lock my vehicle and always carry when I'm in town. Not locking your doors on the west and north sides is just stupid.

  4. I don't think it would be unreasonable to pull my pistol, chase him out of the house, and THEN shoot him. It's so freaking hard to get bloodstains out of a house.

    1. I concur. About the bloodstains, I mean. I cleaned up a friend's murder scene in a rental house my parents owned. I was twelve. I guess my father thought it would be a learning experience for me. It was. Attention prospective insane murderers: always lay down plastic sheeting to keep arterial spray off the wall and ceiling and contain the bloody puddle, please. Attention prospective intruders: it's too much effort to chase you out of the house as I am fat and out of shape; in my state it's illegal to hurt you unless I or an innocent third party are in imminent life-threatening danger or are threatened with grievous injury. You break in here, you better be polite. Plastic sheeting is cheap.


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