
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Commentary: Bidens Do the Crime, But Not the Time

The family that skates together stays together.

The influence-peddling, money laundering, and foreign shakedowns encircling Hunter Biden, his uncle Jim, and The Big Guy in the Oval Office have received considerable attention, at least in the conservative media. But even Fox News addicts would be stunned ​by how many Bidens have T-boned into the law and ​waltzed away from the wreckage. The Biden family is an ongoing crime spree in which the word “consequences” might as well be in Swahili.

New York Post​‘s​ ​Jon​ Levine recently detailed how the Bidens get away with lawlessness over and over and over again. Being a Biden means never facing the music for ​crimes that routinely land ​n​on-royals behind bars.


  1. FJB is bullet proof. His handlers are bullet proof as well. A man for all crimes. And the taxpayers are footing the bill for this fiasco. Death is too good for him.

    1. I dunno.. 350 grains moving 1800 fps from a half mile out on live tee vee would be nice to put on a loop.

  2. It's called the Hillary effect.

  3. It is just not biden. It is every democrat in government. And the judges penalize whoever brought the lawsuit with a fine.

  4. yeah, right. I will not hold my breath waiting for "just us " to happen. dave in pa.

  5. In this West Wing drama Hunter's Fredo and Joe's The Godfather

  6. Bribem has been an arch criminal since the day he was first sworn in to his first public office. Not to mention being a caught out liar and plagiarizer before and after, yet, he STILL kept getting elected. I wonder how that works.



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