
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Poor picked on Ray Epps

A former Marine and Trump supporter is suing Fox News for defamation over claims he helped incite the January 6 riots. 

Ray Epps, 61, claims in a new lawsuit that he became the subject of various conspiracy theories after comments by the network's former host Tucker Carlson. 

The suit states: 'Just as Fox had focused on voting machine companies when falsely claiming a rigged election, Fox knew it needed a scapegoat for January 6th.


  1. Fox will throw the lawsuit like they did for dominion. Note that the review of the worthless dominion machines that was held by a georgia judge was released after dominions payout. Fox will pay Epps a million so people will think he was not an fbi stooge because he won the lawsuit. Whatever.

  2. Fed Epps needs white reparations money bad.

  3. It just proves In America no bad deed goes unrewarded

  4. Cry me a river, asshat. He should be ensconced in the DC gulag with the rest of the Patriots if he were innocent. He got chased out of Arizona, and now hides in an RV in the hinterlands. Too fucking bad.

    1. We need a 'Ray Epps Location' app for smart phone users.
      I don't own one, but boy, I'd sure love to see the trail this poor persecuted man and his terrified wife leave behind. Boo-hoo-hoo.

      What the heck did this fool think was going to happen to him when real Americans got wise to him? Or is he just angling for a book deal?

    2. Ray Epps was an instigator who was on a most wanted list and mysteriously removed. There is video of him urging people to storm the capital as well as video of others pointing out possibility he is an FBI plant.

  5. Con jobs within con jobs.

  6. This is clearly an intel op. Lots of videos came out early on of this guy encouraging people to go into the "house of the people". Why was he running around free for all this time, without indictment, when the J6 folks have been wasting away in some horrid DC jail? Because he is an asset, that's why. I think they figured he could not be out running around any longer, they had to do something to make it seem like he is not what he is. So, most likely he will get (or has already received) a big payout for his trouble. Perhaps even the skunks at fox are in on it, will just give him a big settlement for the lawsuit.

    Nothing is as it is reported to be.


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