
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Shouldn't be any shortage of volunteers

SACRAMENTO – California's Department of Motor Vehicles will soon be looking for volunteers to light up a joint and get behind the wheel. 

It's part of an upcoming study on the impacts that smoking cannabis has on driving abilities.


  1. I wonder how much that little study will cost the taxpayers.

  2. I see no problem with everyone driving 5mph under the speed limit. As long as it's not in the hammer lane.

  3. Wait a minute! Marijuana makes you high. It's the high that makes you fuck-up on the road. So what the kind of placebo they going to use that doesn't make you high, precipitating that fuck-up, and still gives valid results for someone who's not high so the "calculated" results suit solely the results encouraged by those funding the study.

    I think that's a double entendre in there somewhere.


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