
Friday, July 14, 2023

Commentary: Censorship Is More Dangerous Than Disinformation

The First Amendment is under assault by the very people entrusted to protect it. The Biden administration and the corporate media removed any doubt about this after a July 4 ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Terry A. Doughty. Evidence revealed during the discovery process in Missouri v. Biden convinced the judge that administration officials illegally pressured social media platforms to censor disfavored views. Doughty issued a 155-page opinion and an injunction prohibiting federal officials from “pressuring or coercing social-media companies in any manner to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce posted content of postings containing protected free speech.”


  1. Agreed, censorship is more dangerous than disinformation. However Neurotic Obsessive sociopathic behavior is lots stronger than get along, reach across the aisle passive behavior. So logic tells us censorship will continue to happen and quashing of disinformation will continue unabated.

    1. Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

  2. Judges rule, but can't enforce. Enforcers ignore the rule. Why nothing will get better.

  3. Doughty's ruling and injunction means nothing to an administration that routinely ignores all laws and the Constitution. Besides, social media companies have already been infiltrated with ex See Eye Aaa trained disinformation specialists.

    The Bribem administration and the Deep State will hold Section 230 over their heads to try to gain compliance.

    Zuckerfooks new Twatter killer "Threads" started censoring from the minute it went live. Googlefoo has been on the job through Instapuke and Blotter since they acquired them.

    The only saving grace is Twatter has, I believe, rooted out all of the ex See Eye Aaa and ex Famous But Incompetent folks that were on the censoring committee.



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