
Friday, July 14, 2023

Looking back, a 1 Star review on Yelp probably would've been better

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WREG) — A Tennessee surgeon is dead and a patient accused of shooting him is in custody, police said Tuesday. 

The shooting happened around 2 p.m. inside the Campbell Clinic in Collierville, located about 25 miles southeast of Memphis. According to Collierville Police, a health care worker was fatally shot by a patient in an exam room.


  1. "The suspect, identified as Larry Pickens, was taken into custody without incident . . . The suspect . . has not yet been identified."

    HELP WANTED - Staff news writer and editor. 50 year old White guys only. Apply WKRN Nashville.

  2. Maybe the doc accidently cut the nerve in Larry's hand that controls the finger he diddles his baby mamma's clit with. Yea, his tongue is an option, but generally negros don't like anything that tastes like fish unless it's deep fried.

    1. You mean;
      Lost the use of his thieving hand…

  3. Because, of course, everybody goes rodded up to da clinic. In case there are microaggressions that need addressing, or the wait time to see your medicaid ass runs a little long.

    Bigger questions, though. Was he wearing a mask? What is his vaxx status?

  4. Scott Adams WAS RIGHT.

  5. Fucking great. Now my doctors will start wanding their patients before entry to their offices.

    Guy had been threatening people in the office for several days and nothing was done?

  6. Collierville used to be a "safe" suburb. Sad. The Wingo Family used to run it with an iron fist.

  7. "Was it them again Yogi?"
    "It's always them Booboo!"

  8. My friend is a trauma surgeon in Memphis.
    He has a sign in his locker that says:
    "Take care... the life you save today may take yours tomorrow."
    He does a LOT of work on the feral humans. Lots of repeat business too.

    1. Known as Frequent Flyers in the trauma center. Catch and release.

  9. Gonna go out on a limb and say that the surgeon was probably not shot due to negligence or incompetence. He was probably shot because of his attitude. So many doctors are so dismissive and insulting to patients. It's surprising that more of them aren't whacked by pissed of patients.

    1. Nope, Doc fixed his arm but couldn't write him a scrip for more oxy's.


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