
Friday, July 14, 2023


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A 56-year-old captain with the Dickson Police Department was charged with aggravated assault after an incident at a Kid Rock concert in Nashville. 

Metro police reported Ronald Hobson was arrested Saturday night after he assaulted a man who had to be treated for his injuries at a hospital.


  1. He will retire with a disability pension so that the guy can't go after it .

  2. Wow, the mug shot really tells a story. Smugness doesn’t even come close to exposing his true personality.

    1. yeah, he does have a face that just begs to be punched a few times.
      one good thing about being a old bastard, cops don't like me. they seem to walk around me like. my dad used to call it my I am ready to explode look.
      and here I thought I was a nice guy too. dave in pa.

  3. We know the choker is a white cop. So we can be assured if the chokee is a white conservative the BLM/ANTIFA folks will proclaim: "Nothing to see here folks, move along".

  4. "Hobson pushed, grabbed, and “choke slammed” the man down a set of stairs and over a railing. Once the victim was on the ground, Hobson walked over to him and kicked him several times until he stopped moving."

    What, didn't piss on him for good measure? Hobson's rule: You play to the whistle.

  5. You know what concert tickets go for today?
    Kinda like talking through a movie you waited for.
    Sometimes, “yeah, whatcha gonna do about it?”
    Ain’t your best reply.

  6. "Administrative leave" aka "Take a paid vacation while we sweep this under the rug."

  7. Member of the narcotics division. Did anyone check his pockets or the evidence room?

  8. "Hobson is part of the Criminal Investigations/Narcotics Division of the Dickson Police Department, per Lewis."

    So- He's going to claim that he felt/smelled/whatever drugs while he was assaulting him and walk with some kind of BS award.


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