
Friday, July 14, 2023

Oh, I love what you've done with the place!

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) – When FBI agents served a federal search warrant at an apartment in Mount Washington, they discovered dozens of human bones inside, some of which were being used as furniture. 

As many as 40 skulls were found during a raid at James William Nott’s home Tuesday morning on Love Avenue.


  1. "Nott used the name “William Burke” on Facebook to sell the items."

    As in 'Burke and Hare,' the 19th Century Scottish duo who found the bodies they sold to anatomy schools 'on the hoof,' so to speak.

  2. "dozens of human bones inside, some of which were being used as furniture"

    Art deco. Nice.

  3. Honestly, there should be a way for someone who has no particular attachment to their remains to sell them under contract to be collected after death. I for one don't care what happens to my body afterwards, and if someone wants to give me money for my dead body now, or my wife or kids after my demise, I'd be all for it.

  4. You know...
    There'd be a whole lot less problems in the world today if people used the skulls of their enemies as furniture or to drink out of.


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