
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Commentary: SCOTUS Affirmative Action Decision Ignores Elephant in the Room

Growing up in the Jim Crow South, my parents grew up dreaming of a world where they didn’t have to use “colored-only” restrooms, sit in the back of the bus, attend segregated schools, and could sit in restaurants together with other Americans – regardless of their race, creed, or nationality. 

They dreamed of equality for all. Yet, almost 70 years after the Supreme Court struck down “separate but equal,” the recent decision to strike down affirmative action makes it clear that many black progressives like Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson – who benefited from the Brown v. Board of Education decision – still view the issues of race and equality through rose-colored glasses.


  1. In their world, 2 wrongs DO make a right.

  2. Past racial discrimination was wrong. Current and future racial discrimination is wrong too!

  3. When you're working harder to help someone then they's time to fuck it and cut it all off.
    Equal people aren't free and free people aren't equal.

  4. > Affirmative Action Decision Ignores Elephant in the Room

    Was there some Antifa hippo screaming at the hearing or something?

  5. Next up: Whites are now a minority, but shucks golly gee no affirmative action!

  6. The best part of that decision was Clarence Thomas absolutely roasting judge Jackson.

  7. So the problem, the cause, of racism -- is patriarchy?

    Who'da thunk it? (Yeah. I know. I wrote "thunk" -- I'm a deplorable Ist.)


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