
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

You know shit's bad when Stockton businesses are closing up shop

STOCKTON – Another retailer will close its doors. The owners of Regalo Bello say shoplifting and crime are to blame. 

On Wednesday, long lines formed outside the niche store. Loyal shoppers say the decision is a loss for the community, yet, the owners say their safety was nearly on the line every day.


  1. I just came back from my local Publix where I checked out at the self-checkout. I asked the kid watching people if the store had some shrinkage incidents. He laughed and said at least a dozen times a day and all the staff could do is watch the perp(s) walk out with shopping cart loads and then report it to the store manager. The bums, aka: unhoused residents, numbers here (Hendersonville, NC) are skyrocketing and they're winning.

    1. You up in NC need to Florida your right to arrest and shoot. Damn. Try that here in Florida and you'll get busted bad.

    2. Holy chit, in Henderson they are getting away w walking out & cops don't respond??

      We love taking the rv to Kerr lake.


  2. And, they just jack up the prices for those who do pay to make up for the theft. So, you get the inflation plus the theft tax. What a country.


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