
Monday, July 10, 2023

Debt Zombies

Friday’s 6-3 ruling by SCOTUS – including 5 of the 6 Catholics – to uphold Mammon‘s place in the unofficial state pantheon gave defenders of usury cause to celebrate.

Indeed, MAGApedes can rest easy knowing that tax dollars that might’ve been spent making fraud victims whole can now go toward feeding more Slavs into the meat grinder.

Just kidding. In reality, nobody knows if taxpayers would have picked up the tab for student loan forgiveness or not.


  1. Man the comments on this article seem to support the forgiveness of the student debt fiasco. Claiming that the loans were predatory and further that forgiveness will actually be good for the economy. I just can’t wrap my head around this predatory or not you signed a contract on a loan, you must pay it back. Now if you had studied carpentry, electrical, plumbing, HV/AC, truck/auto repair you would be making good money. But for the fools that studied the current of litany of trans studies, Marxist madness, any other worthless endeavor well there are no jobs for them. your decisions have consequences and I do not want to be on the hook for your failures. Maybe your parents or family to include extended family should be first in line to pay off your student loan debt, not me.

    1. The argument of them not understanding how loans work doesn't seem to carry over to the credit cards they acquired while in college.

  2. Your tax liability could lower for what its worth. That's not the point.
    The, precisely, is the one who signed the loan is the one who pays the loan.
    Responsibility and accountability must be taught over and over and again until they ever go out of style.

    Good God, man. I'm thinking to bring back debtor's prison.

    1. Good God, man. I'm thinking to bring back basic English composition and grammar.

  3. I tried to read the article but it seemed like gibberish. Much ado about nothing.

  4. The claim that "there is no evidence that loan forgiveness would be evenly paid by all taxpayers" because of tax brackets is another dog whistle for saying only richer people will pay. The fact isn't that it will be passed on to the 50% of Americans that actually are taxpayers. No, it will be simultaneously both inflationary and increase the national debt by at least half a trillion dollars. That isn't a trivial amount of money, and the costs will be borne by all US residents, not just taxpayers.

  5. I agree with all the commenters. this is BS. There is such a thing as indirect costs and this would be one. Indirect costs can be business killers.

  6. If their debt is forgiven do they return their phony degree?

    1. @Scrurr July 11, 2023 at 9:13 AM

      If they agree to return their phony royal title(s), will you stop being a royal parasite?

  7. Follow up question - if the govt issued (taxpayer funded) student loan debt is "predatory" therefore must be forgiven - will the Student loan program be terminated immediately?

    If not, why aren't student loans conidered as equally predatory today - what has changed?

    Why won't the money be clawed back from these endowment rich colleges? 53% of the loans are for secondary degrees - we know these fukers have the funds

    Finally - if a 19yo isn't responsible enough to understand loans - how is a 12yo mentally capable of declaring they are a different sex & get life altering hormone & puberty blocking drugs?


    1. Your last question: they're not. Capable, that is. And anyone who pretends otherwise should be impaled or thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck as biblically recommended. Congratulations, you won the prize.

      Now, for the folks declaring that people with"secondary degrees" can afford to pay...well 1: 53% still leaves 47% that *aren't* secondary degrees. And 2: do you know how high these debts get? And the schooling is mandatory for many jobs. Like surgeon. Or urologist. Etc. Here, a brief example:


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