
Monday, July 10, 2023

No way I would tolerate that bullshit

President Joe Biden, behind closed doors, has a temper that sees him yelling at staff and shouting obscenities, a new report on Monday revealed. 

In fact, his temper is so bad that some staff try to avoid meting alone with him or bring along a colleague to help defuse the situation, Axios reported. 

Underneath his public persona of Joe from Scranton, who likes ice cream and uses folksy language, is a president with a potty mouth and short fuse.


I'd love to see the look on Biden's face if one of his staff members told him, "Shut the fuck up, nobody talks to me like that, president or not," and quits right there.


  1. That sort of talk is common in dementia patients.


    1. I'll second that. When dementia took my dad, there was a lot of extreme anger and many dangerous outbursts.

    2. Except that he has always been that way. They just did a good job of keeping that bit of info about him hidden.

    3. You're correct, been there and done that, but Potato has been a jackwagon for decades. Eff 'im.

  2. I've seen that behavior quite a lot up on executive row when the doors close. I warned one young lady I know when she got a job as a staffer to one of our VP's about the way they actually act. I knew she wouldn't put up with it because I've never known her to put up with shit from anyone which is probably why we're friends. She did a very slightly more polite version of what you suggest and went on to a lucrative consulting gig. I was laughing my ass off while she was telling me about it. She's small and cute so people take her wrong but she can be one tough chick if disrespected.

  3. LOL at the lengths they'll go to cover for that piece of shit. "...a sign of respect and trust when he yells at you..." per one of his "aides". WTF? Bizarro World...

  4. I left my last marriage, the straw was how she talked to me. “No One Talks To ME That Way, No One”. I don’t get violent, I just turn, show them my back, walk away, and never talk to them ever again. I am a Gemini, we do that kind of shit. Good buddy of mine says that he has never seen anyone give “The Back” like I do. “Less is More,” at times.

    But really, Fuck Joe Buydem

  5. I'd slap the cocksucker just on general principals and dislike....not to mention if he cussed at me....

  6. Someone needs to club that old p.o.s. like a baby seal.

  7. Forgive me for being less than sympathetic to "people" who choose to work there. We all know it's not "doing your duty" to the country, it's "getting your ticket punched" for some bullshit .gov job that pays way to much for way to little work. They all come from the right families and it's understood that sometimes you have to let the "president" sniff you. Or curse at you. Or shove a cigar into your snatch. Fuck em.

    Take the kings gold, and your the kings man. Or woman.

  8. Dementia or not, poor anger management seems to be a common trait amongst Democrat presidential candidates. Perhaps it has something to do with constantly having to support and explain positions that one knows are complete and utter horseshit, perhaps it's the pressure of feeling the need to act and sound more intelligent and knowledgeable than one knows he/she will actually ever be.

    1. "...poor anger management seems to be a common trait amongst Democrat presidential candidates...."
      That an ugly/stupid daughters.

  9. Biden has never been a nice guy.

  10. Someone on staff could make a few dollars with that clandestine recording before they quit.

  11. I'd love to see the look on Biden's face if one of his staff members told him, "Shut the fuck up, nobody talks to me like that, president or not," and quits right there.

    Or punch him square in the mouth.

  12. the Potato would not be the first person "taken to school" by this particular old fucker... class usually begins with the admonition "you do not fucking talk to ME like that, asshole" - the admonition then punctuated with a fist. John Wayne in "The Shootist" said it best, I don't do it to others, and I require it from them as well.

  13. ...whatever clinical term best suits his behavior, it' just a matter of time & circumstance before he physically assaults someone. Fortunately, he doesn't use the Old'sters most available weap; a cane.


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