
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Former Minnesota Police Chief Claims City Fired Him Because He’s White

Former interim Golden Valley Police Chief Scott Nadeau, a white male, claims in a federal lawsuit filed last week that he was effectively fired because of his race. 

The lawsuit, which seeks at least $75,000 in damages, accuses city leaders of violating the Civil Rights Act by discriminating against Nadeau based on race. It also accuses Mayor Shep Harris of defamation because of comments he made during a March 2022 City Council meeting.


  1. It's most likely true, but he's a gonner because the establishment has either bought into or is scared shitless of the BLM syndrome.

  2. He should be fired because he's white. Minnesota is not for Swedes and Bohunks any longer. Don't go away mad, just go away as the Somalies say.

  3. Out of curiosity I went looking for Mayor Harris' party affiliation. Did not find a specific reference, but all indications, such as candidates he has endorsed for election, are that he's a Democrat. As an aside, Golden Valley, MN, is in Ilhan Omar's Congressional district.


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