
Friday, July 14, 2023


A multimillionaire media executive was arrested for pointing a “short-barrel shotgun” at a woman attempting to deliver an Amazon package to his sprawling Pennsylvania mansion, police report.


  1. Rules for thee, not for me. Was it included in the Biden "pre-emptive" pardon? If the Prosecutor is smart and cares, he will keep things at the state level.

  2. Why do I find the little throw-away sentences in a news story so interesting? -

    'Additionally, the woman said that her two children “were seated in the rear portion of the vehicle during the midst of this incident.”' ???

  3. Let me see...who was it who had his son and wife killed by the ATF for having the same thing?

    1. I believe you are correct, that brave Feral LEO was Lon Hinky-Chinky the trigger man.

  4. The article goes far to point out this guy as rich. It is as if it is a chapter between the haves and have nots.

    Po blak baby momma ina struggle to suhvive. But mean whyt rich man is obstakel to her success.

    The problem here is Amazon not requiring contractors to identify their vehicles.
    Someone coming to my door in an unmarked vehicle to 'deliver a box' and with children does not look like a professional delivery driver.

    Still, the guy was an idiot. Being armed is fine, pointing without intent to shoot causes a lot of problems.

    If I were her, I'd plaster AMAZON all over my vehicle and wear an Amazon ID on my person in plain view. And don't take the children along. As it turned, perhaps it was her who put the children in danger. At the least, will Amazon cover the children if harmed while she is acting in her professional duties?

  5. Alternate (but longer) article headline could be: Liberal doosh tool media guy buys Portland (Portland !) area news outlets, combines them, runs them into the ground. Then thinks Amazon delivery driver is actually a space alien, or something.

  6. OK, different take. You are rich, someone gains access to your property claiming Amazon. You watch an unmarked vehicle approach your property (no Amazon truck?)... choice, go out and get robbed? Go out with protection? So you see a vehicle with individuals in the back of the vehicle. Why are they sitting so low in the back? Is there three of them trying to rob me?
    Unfortunately we live in this society now. Caution is on steroids due to the lack of civility and prosecutions. Protect yourself or die. Just another thought...

  7. OK I have questions
    1 Was it really a short barreled shotgun or was it something like the Shockwave by Mossberg ?
    2 Why is a woman driving her unmarked personal car delivering packages for Amazon, or anyone else, with her children in her car ?
    Around here Amazon packages are delivered by either the post office or UPS so I would be highly sceptical of her as well, doub I'd pull a gun on her but...... you never know

    1. Amazon does use private delivery people. I've had deliveries with their child nursing in the back seat. No problem, as they always call to let me know.

    2. Elder son is a supervisor at UPS. From what he tells me, if the looming UPS drivers strike goes though, he and the rest of the office types will be forced to go out delivering packages. They can either use the un-air conditioned UPS box trucks or get a subsidy for using their own (presumably air conditioned) vehicles. Down here in South Texas that is not even up for debate with triple-digit temps predicted from now until November. Oh, and they will not be required to wear a UPS uniform.

  8. Were there any cameras? Rich guys have cameras every where. How about witnesses? Sounds to my like a he said/she said situation. She's just trying to rake in a couple of million. How many guesses do I get about her ethnicity?

    Evil Franklin

  9. WAIT!!!! He only did what the president told him to do!!! =

  10. Saslow “unexpectedly brandished a short-barrel shotgun, black in color, with his left hand, and pointed it at her person.”

    That didn't happen. There's no way he could have held it up and pointed it at her with one hand unless he was holding it at the balance point.

    1. I just picked up my Mossberg shotgun with an 18" barrel one handed by the grip and held it pointing straight out at hip level for 30 seconds before I got bored, and I'm 59 years old.
      You need to get more exercise, a lot more exercise, if you can't do that.

    2. Just picked up my Stoeger 12ga double coach gun at the butt end. And I'm 71. Just because you are limp-wristed does not mean everyone is.

    3. I can easily hold my 410 gauge Shockwave pointed in front of me by the grip, and I'm a 108 pound 34 year old female.

  11. And at 62, I can hold my 20" Ithaca 12 GA. one-handed. I prefer however to us my other hand on the fore-stock. It facilitates pumping 00 out of the business end.


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