
Friday, July 14, 2023

Well, this is shocking

Three Transportation Security Administration officers were arrested at Miami International Airport for allegedly stealing from passengers during security screenings.


I don't fly, but I have picked up and dropped off quite a few friends and family at various airports, and all the TSA people I've seen looks like they were hired straight out of the projects.


  1. "straight out of the projects" Confirmed here-->,+Cops+Say&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwio5Z7cmo-AAxWHIUQIHa_CDAkQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=1440&bih=724&dpr=1.33#imgrc=oaYfkcjfwSO2yM

  2. When security was a private industry theft was at a minimum. Let government control it and it increased and cost more. Tax wise and theft wise.

  3. I don't fly anymore either, what was once an enjoyable experience was turned into too much BS. If I can't drive there I ain't going

    1. My sentiment exactly

    2. We would rather drive from Phoenix to Portland than go thru the airport maze, airport experience, jammed in seating, rude and arrogant flight attendants, fear of lost or stolen luggage/contents. Three days of driving is less stressful than 3 hours of flying.

    3. It takes you 3 days to drive from Phoenix to Portland? It's a 22 hour drive, a day and a half if you push it.
      I do agree with your reasoning though.

  4. Before 9/11,the security agents were private contractors. You could sue them personally for touching your junk or stealing from you. After 9/11,the federal employees union insisted that making them federal employees would raise the standards and it would be better. Everyone got a pay raise, no one got fired (exact same people doing the exact same job) and now, being federal employees in commission of their official duties, you can't sue them for touching your junk or stealing from you. Great improvement.

  5. 22-year-old Elizabeth Fuster, 33-year-old Labarrius Williams and 20-year-old Josue Gonzalez were all arrested

    If I had another son, def would have named him Labarrius. That's Celtic, right?

    1. No, you're wrong there. Definitely Classical Roman, probably Roman Republic, 200 - 100 BCE. Translates to 'Laborer.'

    2. I was just trying to make a lame joke. Sheesh. You nerdy guys get all the chicks.

    3. Could find no proof of such translation. Pretty sure Univ of Saigon is joking.


      Its an order of scarab beetles that includes a bunch of the dung beetles.


    5. Ain't no homeboy named "Laborer" you may be certain. "Dung beetle", on the other hand...

    6. And you can be damned sure his mammy didn't know sh*t 'bout no dung beetles. Her homies told her the name had to start with "La" and end with "ius".

  6. TSA is filled with creeps.

  7. Atlanta, for sure but when I drove the rental truck for my son when he moved to Boca Raton a few years ago, he recommended that I fly back out of Palm Beach Airport. I did, and it was a treat. The TSA folk were mostly Hispanic looking, friendly, cheerful and helpful. It was almost a pleasure. Could it be because of all those rich people? I had similar experiences when flying back and forth every couple of weeks between Atlanta and Kansas City back in the late 90's. The KC agents were nice and very un-diverse.

    1. Hmmmm... what else is the Atlanta area well known for having a lot of?
      Anyone? Wheres dilbert when you need him?

    2. Palm Beach Airport is indeed a cut above the rest but you pay for that with fewer scheduled flights and more expensive airfare to get from South Florida to wherever you're going. 45 minutes or so drive to the south is FLL - it's like a different place altogether.

  8. We can thank George Bush for swelling the ranks of govt. tax eaters with the creation of the TSA agency. A worthless bunch that would not have stopped 9/11.

    I was once surprised to reach into my bag while waiting for a connection and realizing I had a nice fileting knife with me. I could've gone on a slashfest but I managed to remain calm.

  9. "they were hired straight out of the projects" Last time I flew, twenty or so years ago, there was not one white person doing any TSA screening in the two airports I was at. After that experience, I vowed never to fly again.

    Recently one of my sisters took a flight to her home down south from the northeast. She put her IPad in her checked baggage. Big mistake. I asked her WTF was she thinking when she told me what she had done.


    1. A friend of mine is a deputy that works for a sheriffs office "somewhere" in NY. He told me that when he was posted at their county airport several years ago, anyone who had checked any kind of firearm and had a connecting flight through O'Hare, had that firearm vanish.
      He stated he'll never forget having to fill out stolen property reports, despite the fact that it was TSA (Thousands Standing Around) that should have been taking the reports. He also stated that the TSA personnel were "beyond ghetto." He also told me that three quarters of the people they locked up there every year were from TSA.

  10. Yep. My traveling days via air lines is over. Would not go through tsa on a bet much less of my free will. Don’t miss it much anyway.

  11. it is what you call.... equity hires.

  12. When the TSA was formed veterans were told they need not apply. So they went out and hired a lot of low life scum who enjoy the power trip when working at the airport.

    1. No one told me nor any of the other vets I know we weren't welcome to apply, they just didn't hire any of us. They did hire someone I knew who had been an IRS office drone for 15 years and had no work experience remotely related to security.

  13. I recall a popular columnist many years ago referring to the TSA screeners at NYC airports as "prison work release" employees.

  14. TSA stands for Thousands Standing Around and Takes Shit Away.

  15. back around 9/11, my buddy ran a scrap yard. he had this moron kid working for him.
    he joined the TSA. got more money. inside of 6 months, the made him a manager (???)
    about a year later, dumbfuck. stops by and tells my buddy it was the best thing he ever did.
    I think the kid said he was a GS-10 or something (??) really, the kid was a moron.
    and he ended up in charge of a shift working at PHI airport. last time on any plane was 2007. never again. morons are us-the TSA. dave in pa.

  16. About 18 years ago, my upstairs apartment neighbor, (who was a convicted felon and drug addict), bragged that he was just hired by TSA to do overnight screenings at BWI airport. He used completely fake Id's to pass their initial screenings. He was never home on nights and weekends so he gave me his high speed wifi password to use. He started at over $50K per year with full gov't benefits and a pension after 30 years. He used to stop by my apartment,occasionally, and brag, about how he made some "dumb hot Cunt" go into a private room so that he could have the police basically strip search her while he watched. He even had pictures that he showed me, on his android phone, that he used to "masturbate to while in bed". He also confessed to "misplacing guns, pocket knives, illegal drugs, and prescription sleep aids/pain killers". These misplaced items ended up back in his apartment. He even showed me the pill bottles. This is the average piece of shit that is your "loyal public sector servant".



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