
Thursday, July 13, 2023

I think he's done this before



  1. Well its time to fucking go!

  2. Best buddies ever!
    And a cool Jeep.

  3. My code words always morph from "Load Up!" to "Let's Go!" to "Sko!".
    Which eventually, when they get old and deaf, morphs into a wave of the hand.
    Old dogs are the best.

  4. Dogs are the best, and when they get older we give them ramps and lift them into the rig.

    Why? Because their our buddies.

    1. Monday afternoon at 5:20, my Big Al passed while I held him. For the past year and a half I had to pick him up and put him in my work van. He and Ivy go to work with me every day. Al was my oldest Rescue Dane. I still look for him to ride to work with me every morning.since. People say it’s just a dog but they never walk away from you , just grow old and die. My other two Danes Ivy and Daisy are lost with him also, for 6 years they all ate breakfast together. Neither would eat until this morning and not much then. They definitely feels his loss too.

    2. Yep, we have the ramp stashed for when our current 1 year old German Shepherd gets old just like the previous ones did. "truck" or "ride" usually the key words.

    3. Man, I'm so sorry to hear that.

  5. When I was getting ready to take my Blue Heeler into the Wayne National Forest, I'd go out and open the door to my truck. then go back inside and yell, "Ride Sassy," and she would go t0 the door in a frenzy of barking and when I opened the door she would go out and jump so hard she'd land in the middle of the seat and slide into the driver's position. That is if she didn't decide to make a side trip and attack the tires.

  6. I had numerous dogs that loved to ride in the back of the pickup and a simple "Let's go" was enough to get them to jump in. Some of the old ones had to have the tailgate lowered so they could jump in and eventually had to lifted in and back out, but their joy of riding was worth more than the effort to load and unload them. The current annoyance thinks she owns the pickup and stands by with the puppy dog eyes when I go to get in. If I'm not going far or not going to be gone long, she gets a ride.

  7. I had a Weimaraner/Boxer that would sail through the window of the car. Just walk out and shake the keys,,
    The neighborhood kids used him for a tow vehicle. He would get them going, picking up speed till they let go of the leash. Then he would get off the sidewalk. They would skate on.. Yeah,, exceptional dogs come into our lives a few times, if we're lucky.. That is a happy dog.


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